What are Usual Needs of Expats?

I find the cure of the ham in the local groceries is disgusting. Even bacon is like ham here.

The Hammer near Dingxi station has a nice pastrami on a pita sandwich. http://www.thehammertaiwan.com/

Also, liquid bread has a good one and they are the owners of Purebread. https://www.liquidbreadco.com/?fbclid=IwAR042uFRtu8cljzleeZcbeavCXr5DMoIBXZbjNtuh4PJOlsL7yGSFyE3S18

But it ain’t Katz…https://www.katzsdelicatessen.com/


Brits are called expats who ever they are and whatever they do, others are just foreigners.


Basically any whole grain bread like black bread or grey bread.

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Has been tried, not enough locals want it, not enough foreigners that really buy it.
Even Americans, Brits like the kind of soft ‘Wonder Bread’.

I know, but one can dream.

Even in Europe people like to eat whole (multi) grain, but not the one with really lots of grain inside, that’s a minority. Most of it is fake, as it contains little grain and the color is just added.

I crave sourdough bread more than anything else.

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We need some expat food porn here!
Bring it on! All talk and no pics?
Show us what makes you salivate!

There is sourdough in Taiwan. And I would start one up again if there where enough buyers.

Set up a phony service and sell franchises to the FNGs who pop in here two or three times a year, convinced that the foreign community is sitting on some vast trove of revenue that nobody has been clever enough to tap into until now!

You’ll make a bundle. :+1:

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But…is it good?

There are a few subways around the country not really good, nor deli, but they sell sandwiches.

Mine was. I’ve got some from a French guy that was good, but seemingly he went back to France.

Bringing on the expat food porn…
Salivate away!
Danish with strudel
In n Out
Apple Fritter
Peach Cobbler
Togo’s Cranberry Turkey

4783-3-large 0 images Milky-way-broken Southern-Peach-Cobbler-2-1-of-1 t%20c

I ‘aint sayin’ I’d eat this every day…just craving it sometimes.


Sushi Express is even better. It’s not really good, not deli, and they don’t sell sandwiches.


Man, that apple fritter and peach cobbler really got my glands working. :yum:

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sometimes you just need a Greggs pasty

I miss Calabrese Bread…

With a crust so hard, it was recently classified as a weapon…kidding. But at least I know why my Zio only had three teeth.


Ethiopian food would be nice.

Yes, haven’t had any good injera in a while.