What do people mean Taiwan is more China than China

If you only look at Y-chromosome and only view lineages through a patriarchal lens, then yes.

Like I said, most of Taiwan were matriarchal societies. These early immigrants actually first taiwanified, before social economical pressure eventually forced them to sinicize.

In this previous post, we discussed how most early Austronesian matrilineal societies were fairly opened to taking men from other tribes and cultures in as their husbands, including the Taiwanese Pingpu Aborigines. Austronesian groups that made it past the Wallace Line had no issue taking in non-Austronesian men, despite Austronesians being the dominant culture, to the point where it is difficult to find Austronesian Y-chromosome past the Wallace Line.

As a Han dominant social structure started to form around the 1700s, that probably accelerated the trend, as having a Han family member came with social economical benefits, until eventually they had to give up their cultures, names and languages all together just to avoid discrimination.

Also, since the Qing starting in the late 1800s and the Japanese both enforced a patrilineal society, it became extremely easy for Han Chinese who married into the Pingpu family to takeover control of how land and wealth were distributed.

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