What do you drink? How much do you drink?


Fruit in beer is, in my household, an abomination and punishable by death if I can catch you. (e.g., limes/lemons in Corona, which is, in my humble estimation, only alleged to be beer anyway).[/quote]

So how the hell do you expect me to get my morning Vitamin C??? :fume:

:wink: :laughing:

You get a chance try a Hommelbier from belgium. I only see the ale around town, I only ever tried one at mr paco’s where they have strange ideas about the proper refrigeration of beer, so i can’t say how good that is. have to give geert a call for a case of the former :slight_smile:

Yes… and the hoppy aroma too… don’t forget that! Ever try Arrogant Bastard Ale from the Stone Brewery in San Diego? That is hyper-hopped! We Americans from the US love hoppy beer.


You get a chance try a Hommelbier from belgium. I only see the ale around town, I only ever tried one at mr paco’s where they have strange ideas about the proper refrigeration of beer, so I can’t say how good that is. have to give geert a call for a case of the former :slight_smile:[/quote]

I’ve got Poperings Hommelbier in my beer cooler at home… :smiley:

“Hommel” means “hops”, and this is a nice hoppy ale.

You bastard :slight_smile:

Milk Tea.[/quote]


Due to my own thin skin, I avoid speaking Chinese whenever possible. Thus I know this drink as “pearl milk tea”, not naicha. It seems to work well, too, since every vendor seems to be more than willing to speak English rather than listen to my bad mandarin. Imagine that… :laughing:

While I try to avoid speaking Chinese, I do love most Taiwanese street food, including pearl milk tea. Gooey taro balls, yum!

[quote=“Jack Burton”][quote=“flike”]Mostly beer, and if at all possible, ale. Lagers are ok (I like some pilsners and many other German or Czech lagers), but I strongly prefer ales.
This is also the only time I’ll drink seasonal ales, and I’m especially fond of Sierra Nevada’s Celebration Ale and Anchor Steam’s Christmas Ale, which is consistently excellent if inconsistent in its flavor from year to year.
if u like these beers, you might like the Sam Adams seasonals. Their oktoberfest beers are quite nice.[/quote]

Yes, I really like Sam Adams 2 standbys, the Boston lager and ale. In fact, everything the Boston Beer Co. brews is worth trying at least once. (I love SA Cream Stout, too) In further fact, whenever I visit the US, I always try to visit an airport bar - immediately upon arrival - that serves the lager… god, I think I’m gonna tear up here… :lovestruck: … Let’s just say it’s one of the best of America’s many mass-produced consumer food items, imo.

Oddly enough, I detest both SA Spring (awful finish) and Summer (fruity as hell, imo) Ales. The Oktoberfest is ok, but for me the temperature has to be just right. As for the 2x and 3x bockbiers…well, they’re great for making chilli.

[quote=“blueface666”]So how the hell do you expect me to get my morning Vitamin C??? :fume:

:wink: :laughing:[/quote]

Switch to bloody marys, fruitboy. (joke! christ, leave my wimmin-folk outta this, willya? :smiley: )

tigerman, jever, I’m on it. Come next Nov/Dec, if I visit the US I’ll keep an eye peeled for the Brooklyn beers, I’ve heard a lot about them. And yes, Stone Brewery’s AB Ale is great stuff, keyrist, I know what I’m doing this weekend…

O.K., different question.

What’s the first booze you ever got drunk off of?

A 40 oz. of Olde English at a party when I was 19.

Don’t drink very often, and don’t really like getting drunk.

But when I do drink I like:

Wolf: A shot of green chartreuse with tobasco sauce.

Vodka: Straight

Sapporo beer, or most Tasmanian beer.

[quote=“mod lang”]O.K., different question.

What’s the first booze you ever got drunk off of?

A 40 oz. of Olde English at a party when I was 19.[/quote]

Schlitz Malt Liquor (The Bull), in the summer between my HS sophomore and junior years. I was, like, 21. [joke, I was, like, 15]

Drank a six-pack while tooling around, in a buddy’s car, on dirt roads and in the timeless Texas road-trip tradition. The last 2-3 cans were warm, but hey - illicit booze ain’t never a bad thing when you’re a teenager.

See you your “first booze you got drunk on” and raise you a " first brew that caused memory blackout".

Well, I was 17 and I was enjoying a combination of local beer and wine. The local wine in question was “Purple Death”

The following description is taken straight from the bottle word for word. (Anyone who has tried it will know that it is a mild description)

PURPLE DEATH (that is really the name)

[quote]An unusual ‘Rough-as-Guts’ aperitif that has the distinctive bouquet of horse-shit and old tram tickets. It is best drunk with the teeth clenched to prevent ingestion of any foreign bodies. Connoisseurs will savour the slight tannin taste of old tea leaves and burnt cat fur. Possessors of a cultivated palate will admire the initial assault on the taste buds which comes from the careful and loving blending of animal manure and perished jock straps strained through an old miner’s sock. The maturing in small pigs’ bladders gives it a very definite nose.

Marketed under the Saviour Brand (9 out of 10 people who drink it for the first time exclaim ‘Je-e-esus Chri-ist’).

Caution: Keep away from ‘naked flames’ (both old and new).


[quote=“almas john”]Okay,
See you your “first booze you got drunk on” and raise you a " first brew that caused memory blackout".[/quote]

Summer after I first got drunk. My best friend lived near an old alky who, due to his own blackouts, often forgot to lock his garage door. And he stored Old Grandad “whisky” there, in cases. Carlton, my buddy, stole 3 fifths and we decided to meet up that night. With dates, even. :blush:

My father doesn’t drink and so, lacking a model ( :unamused: :blush: ), I literally guzzled my first bottle, a fifth of this rotgut bourbon, in under 30 minutes (Carlton was right behind me. Our dates were teetotaling it that night, fortunately- I believe a kind description of their reaction to our consumption would be “aghast”) and we two boys had a good start on the third when things got predictably fuzzy. Pukey, too, I do remember that. :cry:

What followed was the blackout period.

The next thing I knew, I was sleeping in my bedroom, in a lake of puke, and it was the next afternoon. Fortunately enough, my parents were remodelling our house and my bedroom was a brand new one, which had yet to be finished. My parents were also out of town, thank god, so I never even got caught. I cleaned up the puke and the piss the next day, puked a little more while doing so, and swore to never drink bourbon again. (that promise didn’t last long, though)

Turns out that some other friends had schlepped me home, put me in my bed, and then watched in horror as I stumbled out of bed - dead drunk - and pissed in my as-yet unfinished closet. Oh yeah, puked there, too (lots of puking that night, lots). Somehow I managed to avoid aspirating it and thus survived. Thank god my friends had the sense to lay me down on my belly and not my back. :astonished:

Carlton, as it turns out, drove home (!) and right onto the forms his father had laid out for pouring the concrete for their new driveway (his parents were home, however, and I guess there was some “discussion” which followed his “forgetfulness”); they, too, were doing a bit of homebuilding.

Needless to say, that was the last date I had with my g/f. Carlton married his, though. :smiley:

[quote=“almas john”]Well, I was 17 and I was enjoying a combination of local beer and wine. The local wine in question was “Purple Death”

The following description is taken straight from the bottle word for word. (Anyone who has tried it will know that it is a mild description)

PURPLE DEATH (that is really the name)

[quote]An unusual ‘Rough-as-Guts’ aperitif that has the distinctive bouquet of horse-shit and old tram tickets. It is best drunk with the teeth clenched to prevent ingestion of any foreign bodies. Connoisseurs will savour the slight tannin taste of old tea leaves and burnt cat fur. Possessors of a cultivated palate will admire the initial assault on the taste buds which comes from the careful and loving blending of animal manure and perished jock straps strained through an old miner’s sock. The maturing in small pigs’ bladders gives it a very definite nose.

Marketed under the Saviour Brand (9 out of 10 people who drink it for the first time exclaim ‘Je-e-esus Chri-ist’).

Caution: Keep away from ‘naked flames’ (both old and new).

BOTTLED BY THE MAD SCIENTIST - JUST FOR FUN FOR SAPICH BROTHERS Forest Hill Road, Henderson, New Zealand[/quote][/quote]

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

double post

First time drunk: 18 years old, tuba/clarinet dinner (yeah, go ahead, laugh at the band geek) at what was affectionately called the party house. I can’t recall exact numbers, but I do remember the following: a few wine coolers…somewhere in the neighborhood of 5, a few shots of raspberry schnapps or raz-a-ma-taz (to this day, the smell of artificial raspberries, even if innocuous Kool-Aid, makes me feel nauseous), a few shots of peppermint schnapps, and two tequila shots. Only other time I have been drunk enough to be hungover was after a wake for two brothers who were friends of mine (on a few Slow Comfortable Screws). Had 18th-century French lit the next morning with a monotonous professor. Talk about torture.

I burnt out the need to drink after just two years of college, but on those rare occasions when I imbibe, my poisons of choice are amaretto sour and cranberry juice and vodka.

I’ve got a bottle of 30 year old Laphroaig. Maybe you want to come over when smerf, Mucha (Muzha) Man and I try the Rebel Yell?[/quote]
I’d love to, but you’d better put it in a safe-deposit box until then. I’ll be hiring ninjas in the morning to break in and steal it for me tonight unless I learn that it’s been locked away. :slight_smile:

Bless you, kind sir.

First time? Maybe. Age 17. A lot of hash and a couple of valiums washed down with a bottle of Martini and Rossi.

Just drunk? Kinda fuzzy…18. At Myrtle Beach, SC. Had a gallon jug of Green Goddam…Everclear Grain Alcohol and Minute Maid Limeade. :laughing:


And here’s a great recipe for your next party. :laughing:

Everclear Jello (190 proof grain alcohol)

Orange Flavored Jello
Knox Unflavored Jello
1 cup of Everclear
Take the 4 cup of water jello box and empty it into a bowl
mix in 3 cups
hot water and disolve jello
add two packets of knox unflavored jello

Add the cup of everclear. Pour into mold or for best results pour into
pill cups (small ones you get in the hospital) and let set 2+ hours.
Vodka can be substituted for everclear with good results
just use two cups of vodka and two cups of water.

I spent my 15th birthday in the drunk tank. It was the first time I got “really drunk.”

First time getting drunk? When I was about best friend’s dad was a serious alcoholic and had hidden liquor all over the house. My friend rounded it all up and hid it in his closet. We sampled everything, but at 16 I could only handle the Carolyn’s cream liquor, a Bailey’s knock-off, and I drank nearly the whole bottle. Hiccup. After getting shit-faced, we decided to drink coffee to sober up, because we had heard that’s what people do. So, we make coffee while drunk and of course I didn’t think to let the boiling liquid cool down before I took a big chug and got very serious burns in my mouth.

Nai Cha is just milk tea, without the perls. With perls it’s called Zhen Zhu Nai Cha (excuse my romanization). Love it.

Ups, off-topic so I better leave … :slight_smile:

Nai Cha is just milk tea, without the perls. With perls it’s called Zhen Zhu Nai Cha (excuse my romanization). Love it.

Ups, off-topic so I better leave … :slight_smile:[/quote]

I thought it all came with taro, but what do I know?

Thanks for the lesson. :smiley:

12 years old… at a neighbor’s high school graduation party. Genessee Cream Ale. Chugged way too many and got sick. Put me off beer for several years and turned me toward psychadelics for a while.

I’ve got a bottle of 30 year old Laphroaig. Maybe you want to come over when smerf, Mucha (Muzha) (Muzha) Man and I try the Rebel Yell?[/quote]
I’d love to, but you’d better put it in a safe-deposit box until then. I’ll be hiring ninjas in the morning to break in and steal it for me tonight unless I learn that it’s been locked away. :slight_smile:

Bless you, kind sir.[/quote]

Your ninjas are no match for Dofu, guardian of our home and spirits and wines and brews.

We’ll have to set a date one of these days. Maybe I can turn the AC up real high and we can pretend its winter (so that we don’t have to wait for the real thing and then smerf can try the Rebel Yell)…