What game are you playing?

I wanted to just be dishonorable and be a bad guy. But the problem of the wanted bounty adding up and police annoying you everywhere made it not playable.

I couldn’t do it, felt too bad. For me, it was, “Hey Mister!” and, “Howdy Miss!” to everybody! lol

I executed everyone when given the option to let them go or execute.

Savage! I decided by situation. Most of the time, I let them go.

There’s a mission that relies on you playing honorably.

The first night RDO was online, I couldn’t sign in. Last night, though, It was no trouble last night. Apparently it was initially only open to “Ultimate Edition” folk and I have “Special Edition”. I still have no real idea what the difference different is in-game. I know the Ultimate Edition has a few online perks.

There is a very basic story tied to online. It’s not bad. But I imagine just fishing on the shore and getting my head blown off by someone just passing by. I doubt I’ll free roam much.

Only difference is the freebies for paying extra. I think a horse, weapon, maybe an outfit.

But, for the online they offered the first day to Ultimate Edition owners, second day was supposed to be for people who played on release day, and today is supposed to be those who played within the first three days of release. Tomorrow will be everybody.

Oh okay, I only heard the day 1 Ultimate Edition rule. Ultimate Edition also has the horse, weapons and all that online. The Special Edition though has some sort of robbery stuff I haven’t seen anywhere yet. I wonder when it’ll pop up.

Special Edition:

  • World map (mine’s digital so no map for me)
  • Bank Robbery Mission and Gang Hideout in Story Mode (no idea about either of these)
  • Dappled Black Thoroughbred: A racehorse with exceptional speed and acceleration; it comes with a special saddle. (haven’t seen this, maybe I already killed it)
  • Talisman and Medallion Gameplay Bonuses: These special Story Mode items will give Arthur a helping hand whenever they are equipped. (no idea where or what this is)
  • Gameplay Boosts, Cash Bonuses & Discounts (if they say so…)
  • The Nuevo Paraiso Gunslinger Outfit: Inspired by the clothing worn by vaqueros and banditos south of the border.
  • Free Access to Three Additional Weapons: Volcanic Pistol, Pump Action Shotgun, and Lancaster Varmint Rifle. (no idea if I could access these for free. I don’t think so)

I probably could have saved NT$700ish by getting the regular edition. Though I think it was the Bank Robbery mission that convinced me to just get it.

Damn you can grind games fairly easily

I blast people and sell their carriage to the fence guy all the time

I’ve been purposely stretching out the game by doing a lot of hunting, challenges, side missions, exploring, etc. just because this game is so epic! I didn’t want to blast through it and be over already. There is so much detail to this game and I’m loving it! And because, fuck Micah.

Yeah, I don’t think the main story is particularly long if you’re dedicated to finishing it. 20 to 30 hours, maybe? But I’d bet there’s just as many hours worth of side activities. Maybe more. Apparently getting to the Epilogue unlocks even more of those.

Last night I found a ghost town. Also robbed a homestead and returned an escaped “zebra”.

I’m looking into a new game. Don’t know what’s good

Have you guys seen how awful fallout has been received?

here’s your collectors edition bag bro.


I saw the bag. But the actual game play looks awful. I knew this was going to happen, so I skipped it and ignored it since launch. Plus I don’t enjoy this type of genre anyways.

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How was spider mans story? I like games with a good story

Bethesda has always been bad about bugs in their games but I think this time they’ve actually made the new Fallout so egregiously unplayable that some people can’t even boot up/run the game at all and can’t get a refund, so they are actually suing the company.

I know, people have looked the other way as the games they make are massive and with a complicated story line with choices impacting things. But fallout 4 was sooooo buggy. So many problems that made the game unplayable because. You had to keep saving to prevent getting into a situation where the game couldn’t advance because you did something.

They also got lazy with some things. I love fallout 4 but at the same time I thought there was a lot of things that disappointed me.

Yeah honestly it couldn’t live up to New Vegas or even 3 imo. I’ll take some actual stability over fancy pants graphics any day. The storylines were better in the old days, too.

NBA 2k19

Just a slightly tweaked version every year but I love it.

I got the new tomb raider. I heard it’s fun.