What game are you playing?

Roguelikes aren’t everyone’s cup of tea - I actually had a similar experience to you with Dead Cells where it got tons of praise and I simply didn’t ‘get it’. For roguelikes in general part of what people like is the sense of achievement, that you’re getting better slowly over time as you get farther and farther into it, you learn enemy patterns and eventually can breeze through the first levels without even taking a hit. What makes Hades so good, IMO, is everything else - the music is great, the voice acting is top-notch, the artstyle is cool, the plot is fun and works well with the gameplay, on top of it having good roguelike mechanics at its core.

Maybe a controller would help, maybe trying to mash less would help, or maybe you just want to play it for everything else I mentioned and the combat is secondary. At the end of the day you should only play games you like in ways that are fun for you. In the words of the immortal Reggie Fils-Aime, “If it’s not fun… why bother?”

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TF2, in April it’ll be ten years playing the same multi-player fps.

Single player games are just kinda boring to me now. GTA V is barely touched, as is far cry 4.

After HL, far cry 1&2, bioshock, apart from better graphics, there’s few surprises. worse are games like COD that almost play themselves.

TF2 has a very steep learning curve and is on its last legs, but it plays with minimum of requirements, Including 60 fps on a laptop tethered to a phone.

You should watch this. It does have all the bosses in chronological order though, so maybe if you haven’t finished the game yet don’t watch it. Or if that doesn’t matter to you, you already know about it, check it out. So good.

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Ni No Kuni, Spider-Man (trying to 100%), and Fenyx.

FYI- Star Wars Battlefront 2 for PCs is free on the epic games store now until January 21. Epic makes some good games free for short widows of time periodically. If you install during this window, you keep the game permanently.

It’s a pretty good shooter game. Downside is it’s a 90 GB install.

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Thanks for the hint, downloading. Sounds good. Hope lots of people will be online for multiplayer.

I’m bored with playing the waiting game of END OF COVID19!

There were plenty of people online for co-op mode this weekend at the start of the give away. I didn’t try multiplayer. It looked like the player levels were low, like mine, probably due to a lot of new players trying it out.

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I’m playing a computer game.

Object is to switch out parts every 4 minutes as quickly as possible. In the mean time watch numbers move around and hope you don’t crash.

Move x and y axis with r analog stick, z plus with right trigger, z minus with left trigger. Control feed rate with left analog stick. To avert crash press x, to restart press lb rb x y z rt lt z y x left right up down a b.


just started ghost of tsushima. it’s quite masturbatory and not something i’d pick up on my own (not a big fan of open world in general), but it was gifted to me by a friend so we can play the online portion together. pretty fun game, not in love with it by any means. it’s pretty.

What does that mean?

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it just gives me the impression that it is just a western game company’s japanophilic love story. i used to live in japan, it’s a nice place. i guess i’m just tired of the obsession with it in video games and culture. to me it’s now as stale a trope as whatever COD 57 just came out or generic sandbox put out by ubisoft. i’m just jaded i guess.

edit: i probably could have worded it better, masturbatory has a negative connotation for sure. i was expressing a bit of frustration is all heh


Playing Cyberpunk 2077. It’s the only game where those maneki neko figurines are EVERYwhere outside of Taiwan… no idea why so many of them in the game.

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Ghouls n ghosts online. But the coding doesn’t like my CPU. They originally overran the CPU to keep up with the limited graphics cards available back then and it tries to do the same thing to the one on my computer making it go nuts.

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The new Mario3D World + Bowser’s Fury on Nintendo Switch.

I’m hooked. Can’t put it down!

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Also trying to grind through The Witcher 3, which everyone says is such a superior game to Cyberpunk (no idea what it’s like at launch). Going to revisit GTA 5 and see if there are any fun mods for it.

The Witcher 3 is my favorite game of all time.

I’m an RPG guy and it’s the standard.

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I can’t wait. Love Mass Effect beside andromeda which was garbage.


Yup really looking forward to the remaster!

I’m not sure. I didn’t like Mass Effect 3’s ending that much and not sure how a remaster is going to help things.

You’d be playing a game where you know the outcome is going to be the same. Unless they do it like FF7 remake.