What game are you playing?

I’ve been also playing the newly released Age of Empires 4, and It’s been really fun even though I’m only starting to not get overwhelmed by all the things you need to be aware when playing :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Also, they have some very cool historical movies, introductions, narrations and animations when playing the campaign which I think they are pretty cool!
The campaigns start simple and slowly get more complicated, I think the game has a good new-player experience tbh.


Finally got around to Last of Us 2…they should have just let it be. The direction they went with making you play as a hated character for half of the game was awful.

On and off again recently with Forza Horizon 5 as well as Metroid Dread on the Switch :nerd_face:.

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When the critics love something and the customers hate it, that is a big red flag. I avoid spoilers like the plague, but read enough to know that I shouldn’t play that game even though I loved the first one.

Enjoyed the first half even though I didn’t feel like the story needed a send game. I can’t recall ever where I make a conscious decision to just stop playing. I just do not want to play half the game as a character I’ve come to hate deeply.

It is free in the Epic Store for a week




Here is a secret in Halo Infinite:

Imagine being a walking tank… literally.

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Heard good things about this game. :free: :video_game:



Freaking Control is free on Epic now. Only 8 hours left.


What’s this? Don’t see it in the store.

Freaking is not part of the title :smiley:


Best reply ever :smiley:

Funny I already own this… must have been free before already? Thanks a lot @slawa and everyone for posting and reminding about epic free games here, this is very very helpful.


It’s included in the xbox game pass…

it’s an ok game but not really my cup of tea… the metal song in the game is good though.

By the way there’s a bug you should be aware of in Halo Infinite…

There are many objectives in the campaign where you must ride a gravity lift… but sometimes objects, vehicles, whatever gets caught in it and as a result you can be stuck in the gravity lift because the entrance got blocked…

Look before you go up…

On the other hand, try to get the Bandana skull if you can. It’s not hard, but you must go through the last level without killing any sentinel (I suggest doing this on Easy), and then you’ll meet the monitor who will open some doors for you, and you’ll cross a short light bridge onto the long path to the big elevator that takes you to the final boss. If you never killed any sentinel in that level the door across a short light bridge will be open and the skull is inside. This skull gives you infinite ammo and no equipment cooldown.

Free at Steam:

Babble Royale.

Awesome concept and design, where Scrabble meets Battle Royale in a free for all. Build words into other players to kill them before they kill you.

See, I managed to get a BUNCH of objects stuck in the grav lift…

Tomb Raider trilogy :free: :video_game:



Guardians of the Galaxy is a surprisingly good and fun game. No micro transactions.

that’s interesting i had the complete opposite experience. abby’s route was just action fun time. it was one of my top games the year it came out. to each their own i suppose, but i reckon i’m gonna replay it again soon.

If anyone’s playing Wordle this thing is fun. The gameplay rules are the same, but suffice it to say there’s an algorithm that changes things up a bit. If you want to know in detail read their links, or you’ll probably get the picture after you play it a couple of times

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This is fun!

Absurdle 7/∞

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