What has Trump done for Hong Kong? Also, what has he done for Taiwan?

Definitely not guaranteed.
This is an existential matter for Taiwan . Taiwan needs those weapons to protect itself and ratchet up the cost to China of an attack on the island. It needs the sales to show that Taiwan has current support from the US administration.

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It’s time for Japan to completely remilitarize and get a few nukes built.

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Fantasy .Lets get back to the reality of the situation.
.My simple answer…Trump did jack shit for HK in reality but quite a lot for Taiwan compared to some previous administration’s.

None of them have been forced to show their hand so far against a Chinese attack. The Chinese need a bit more time to beef up their military capabilities in South China sea area and their armed forces in general.

In the end the proof is in pudding. Will they intervene if Taiwan is attacked? China may try minor skirmishes first to test the response. Or it could be for an all out cyber attack and blockade. Who knows.

Hasn’t every previous administration sold weapons to Taiwan for decades? And carrier movements in the South China sea and the Taiwan strait were also conducted by previous administrations. What’s different with Trump besides even more unpredictability and uncertainty?

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I heard a bunch of Wumao say that China actually wants Trump to continue be president. Mainly because they know how he is and can maneuver around him. Also his antics allow China a legitimate excuse to do whatever they want.


I’m definitely not a wumao, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if a significant portion of the CCP thought that.

Look at how destabilizing/polarizing his presidency has been for the U.S., and how much it’s damaged the reputation of U.S. democracy and the U.S. administration around the Western world. Of course there’s some benefit in that for China.


The reason is while Trump talks tough he is incompetent. It gives China room to misbehave.


I think that graph backs that there was a step change with Trump admin, and I’m no fan believe me.

That graph almost shows there was a strategic use of taiwan as a bargaining chip when fighting china.

Trump has been better for taiwan in.short term allowance of voice against china, and it is great we had Tsai as president during this time!

However, Taiwan should never ever forget it is being used like a piece of meat in games with china and anywhere else. Something Tsai hopefully understands well as she has done lots to prgress our country and only offered up totally meaningless nothings, like importing us pork and beef, to gain massive benefit. Hopefully this continues, but i view Biden on China like i view Canadians on salmon. We know we shouldnt, but it feels so damn good…


Eh Taiwan is paying a shit load of money for those weapons. But that’s the price we need to pay and Taiwan isn’t short of foreign exchange anyway.

Yea, we’re literally paying the price of F35 but getting only F16. Most Taiwanese see it as paying protection.

This isn’t just a bunch of wumao saying stuff. This is stuff Taiwanese would never ever tell a foreigner.


I feared this was the case. Basically extortion. The current gov has to kiss the Trump ring while holding their nose so as to avoid being sold off.

Trump loves exploiting power dynamics. It has felt very shameful to be an American these past 4 years… the “what have you done for me lately” era is coming to an end under Biden I hope.

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Its just the latest propaganda. I’ve heard it a bunch. The fact people still fall for it must mean the ccp deserve some credit :confused:
They have picked up on tbe fact that you can rile up westerners by mentioning the word ‘trump’. Its truly a sad state when the ccps methods work outside china.

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Last 4 years had nothing to do with it. The US has been supporting some dictators, and deposing others, all in the name of “freedom” but really it’s only to benefit their corporations.

Not to mention America toppled and destablized 2 countries. All in the name of “freedom”.

Taiwan should invest in its own military, but I suspect one reason they don’t is because of America. Taiwan tried to develop nuclear weapons and America basically says “give me the gun and we’ll protect you”.

I hope the reactor fuel from the 4th plant was used in some secret nuclear program… but I’m sure it was dutifully returned to the Americans.

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So, back to my previous point. Taiwan should get on manufacturing weapons in a more meanigful way. They used to have dreams of nukes. Now theres an idea! They wouldnt do it, and china.wouldnt care, but the west would offer aome f35s, or something, in trade for not making the big bombs.

Its a shit show. Taiwan is at fault as well, security here is sub par, so why give us the newest tech. Lots of angles need to come into play. And bet your ass they are paying, they could easily sell elsewhere. Its a game of chess, not checkers.

I can see Trump coming to defend Taiwan from a China attack without a thought but only because he doesn’t think before taking action. He doesn’t even know anything about Taiwan he just loves fighting with people and countries. Biden will take his time and might not even help Taiwan if China doesn’t launch an allout invasion.

How did you come up with that piece of nonsense?


First, you a Trumper or a Biden fan?


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