What Movies Are You Watching (2019)

So, aside from the awful Disney remakes, more and more come down the pipeline:

Looks interesting even if the horrible Lenny DiCaprio is in it

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Looks stupid as shit.

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I know, that Quentin Tarantino is so overrated.


So what movie are you excited for in 2019 that doesn’t look like shit.

You don’t have to engage… Pretty obvious at this point that those cries for helps disguised as enthusiastically negative slander are to get attention, not about the movies themselves but about him.

What’s also frequently not true in life but apparently evident with him is that often no means yes.

Bleh. Jackie Brown is the only one I’ll voluntarily watch again every now and then.

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I mean I’m genuinely curious what he thinks are good movies.

Haha. Proceed :white_check_mark:

The movie does look like shit.

Fixed it for you

Already pretty implicit in the statement. You need it spelled out that bad?

Fixed it for you

You’re real excited about this trash heap, huh? :rofl:

Finally picked up my screener and saw Spider-Verse. Gorgeous piece of art!


Fixed it for you

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Btw, my (almost exactly) 1 bit of excitement is real.

Yeah, condescend to me more, daddy. It makes me hot. :weary:

No need to be sensitive. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying shitty movies. As long as you’re having a good time. I just think it’s out of line for you to attack Gain for no reason.

Have you seen Alita battle angel? I heard from people it’s actually really good and deserves more praise and recognition.

First off, The Room and Sharknado 1 are everything. I love a good shitty movie, Mark. Second, I’m all on board for seeing the amusement in the failures of studio-budget films (you don’t even know), but Tarantino’s proved himself enough times that I’m at least willing to actually see the movie itself before I do that.

Those two have proven to consistently get into spats/heated arguments about casual, entertainment things. If asking andrew to back off and consider what may motivate gain to (persistently) use to use those words is “attack” “for no reason”, then I can’t help ya.

(I also think he’s a big boy who can take it as hard as he gets, and I’m sure he knows that it’s not “for no reason”)