What movies are you watching (2022)

Different strokes indeed.

I feel like the goal posts have been moved.

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Not my culture buddy. I’m English. We erected a statute to him after his masturbatory grandeur. We call him Louis Cum King. Streets will be named in his honour.
Fie to the wokery, and the PC jokery. Let all men wank where then like, when they like. It’s what our forefathers all raced to and from Dunkirk to protect.

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Mean Streets (1973). It hasn’t aged as well as Scorsese’s other movies, but it’s interesting to see him try out things he’d become famous for later on.

The Tragedy of Macbeth - I was floored. It was masterful. I didn’t expect the 100% transplant of Shakespeare’s script would work well at all but it absolutely did. Visually easily the most beautiful films of the year.

Flee - A Danish animated documentary about an Afghan refugee’s escape from Afghanistan in the 80s. It was exceptionally honest, tender, and thoroughly gripping without any overcooked manipulation and phoniness. I couldn’t look away.

It’s also an incredibly timely watch in light of the situation in Afghanistan now.


Watched “Captain Marvel” yesterday. For some reason I did not know that movie existed. :grin:
I decided to start watching through the marvel movies since I pay for Disney+ (for my kids mostly).
Still did not see the End Game parts. That is planned for lunar new year holidays.

I enjoy the Sci-Fi parts and special effects.


The Batman

Coming out this year.

I’m not feeling it. Some flames, a car, a couple ugly guys and one skinny sorta maybe ok pretty girl. Not very inspiring.

Robert Pattinson, looks like they’re relying on him to pull the movie through.

And why the question mark? Isn’t that the riddler?

Today I put on ‘12 Monkeys’, a classic that just gets better with every viewing. The longer the pandemic drags on the more prescient this film seems. If you haven’t seen it, consider it. Is there a thread on the best pandemic movies?

On another note, I feel like I’ve hit the end of Netflix. I feel like January they didn’t add much so I’m hoping they’ve saved it for February and LNY to add lots for Taiwan. Anyone notice this in previous years?

Other streaming services? I’ve watched some stuff on Tubi, which is free and has a lot of indie/cult movies (most of which are terrible). Also have an Amazon account (not Prime) so some freebies there. In Canada I could see movies on the CTV and Global apps but they don’t work in Taiwan. Any advice for Apple TV apps that allow me to stream free movies?

Am thinking about sorting subscription to another streaming service, probably Disney+ when the Mandalorian comes back. Anyone using anything else?

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Most Dangerous Game

I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel and put this on since it has Christoph Waltz and B-list Hemsworth. Enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Seems to be a bunch of mini-episodes stitched together into a 2-hour movie. Reminds me of a Stephen King story (The Running Man) which was also turned into a movie, and which was perhaps also originally based on the same short story…

Yeah, I think that happens - my “To Watch” list is huge on Netflix, but it’s mostly stuff at the “Oh, I guess I should watch that one day” level - but if I feel that way, I’ll probably read a book or go for a walk or play a computer game instead.

On the iOS app Netflix used to have an option to see what’s going to appear in the next few weeks, but that’s mostly gone now - there’s a vestige of it, but it only shows a few shows (currently 10), whereas you used to be able to scroll through 40 or 50. I miss that.

I signed up for Disney+ a couple of months ago, and it’s a breath of fresh air. I won’t say it’s better than Netflix, but it’s a welcome change, with a big selection of things I didn’t previously have access to.

My sister-in-law splits the cost of our Netflix subscription; if not for that, I’d probably cancel Netflix for a while.

The latest Spider Man was incredible. The latest Matrix was the worst movie of the decade (the sequel before that was the worst movie of last decade - no idea why I thought this would be better).

Spoiler: Keanu has like 3 soulless lines in the movie total, all being: “…yeah…”, “…okay…” and (the best one!!!..) “…alright…”.


I put on movies when I’m cooking, cleaning, grading, or doing things at my computer (like Forumosa). Reading and walking happens other times, and I don’t own a gaming system…

Yeah, I’m thinking that’s probably the route to go. It’ll require sorting out a local credit card, but I guess that was going to be done eventually anyways!

I just mooch off of mom’s account, I don’t actually pay for it!

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TV shows are the way to go in 2022. I feel like we’re in a golden age of TV, and the golden age of “desperate money grabbing” for movies. Someone should make a similar thread for TV – so much good stuff.

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28 days later

Shaun of the dead

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Not free, but I regularly rent or buy movies from the iTunes Canada store, using my Canadian credit card. I put the ones I want to see in a wishlist, and then periodically check it for prices. Plus the store pages usually have “$1.99 rental” sections or whatever that change every week.

Of course it depends on what you like for background movies, but for me Disney+ is fantastic for that: deep catalogue of all the Marvel & Disney & Pixar & Star Wars & Muppet stuff that I already know and mostly like (or don’t like, in the case of 1970s Disney films, but there’s definite nostalgia value) - the kind of things I turn on in the second half of long trans-Pacific flights when I want something pleasant but not attention-grabbing.

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any non-zombie choices?

tough to pick one favourite zombie movie, but a contender for me is probably Dawn of the Dead (I like both versions)

Contagion is the one that impressed me the most in the before-times, and it got a lot of attention in the early days of our current, um, event. I haven’t seen it in five or six years so I don’t know how well it holds up. Oh, except I think there’s a glorious finish when a vaccine is found, and everyone immediately gets it, and the problem is solved. Oops on that one.

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Shaun the sheep :grin:

Not familiar with that one, but there is a zombie sheep movie that I recall wasn’t bad

Black Sheep

Must be reality scary for sheep herders.

Sheep get revenge.