What TV shows are you watching (2022)


Interesting, @DrewC was less impressed. I stalled out on a rewatch of season 3 which I’d pretty much forgotten, but will get there eventually

Apparently Master of Puppets is trending because of the season 4 ending

Just finished the premier episode. It was awesome. Looks like it’s going to be an excellent serial. Bridges and Lithgow, great actors.

The Old Man

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yup…awesome part of the show too.
Was listening to Master of Puppets with full bass with the volume cranked up in my car today.

Did I say that? Maybe I was just in a bad mood. I think the show is overhyped in general but the Big Bad for season 4 has me a bit intrigued. I might give the series a rewatch. To be honest, I remember very little of the show which is the main issue I have with the huge breaks during seasons of prestige TV shows.

In any event, I think I’ll check out ‘The Boys’ next. It looks like a great satire of the kind of superhero shit I’m sick of.


Could be I’m mixing up poster or show here, can’t find it with a few quick searches

I haven’t seen it, but a good friend is enjoying it and describes is as gruesome. Tarantino meets Kick Ass… with added gore!

It’s gruesome and very, very dark and cynical. Definitely not for everyone, but it’s good.

Probably one of those shows where you can tell if it’s for you in the first episode - heck, even in the first ten minutes. Some shows are a slow burn. Not this one!


Noooooooo. Make it stop!

The hilarious gore in season one just becomes over the top gore by season three. It’s a horrendous show. Just gross.

The Boys is awesome and keeps on getting better from an already great start. Love to hate supes, and the satire of American hero worship is spot on. Not quite as grossly far out as the comic it is based on, but that would be unfilmable. Already delivers as well as can be expected in that regard.


Kingdom. On Netflix.

You’re welcome.


Oh right, I’ve still got to watch Season 2. Thoroughly enjoyed Season 1.

Also, probably the only show to have such a well-developed faux social media presence, with the fictional “Vought” company having its own youtube and twitter productions.

I like Friends but this show does have some very problematic moments.

Where is the issue?
The fictional character was Chandler’s father. The character sired him. That is the definition of what a father does. So the title fits by definition. He also had a mother.

Much ado about nothing.

Maybe @Gain means they should have said, “She is Chandler’s father.”

Pronouns not nouns, lol.

Sure, but the article says nothing about pronouns in the actual content of the article which is weird.

Also, the person the article is about who is apologizing for all this said the character was never written in as transgender. The character was written in as a gay drag queen.

So there actually was no incorrect pronouns. A gay man is a he.

The article is just click bait.


I didn’t read the article and have no idea about the types of non-conforming people there are and the labels they use. It confuses me. You are probably right, and it’s just a way to get attention.


I actually don’t really mind Chandler’s father’s pronoun, but the real problem on the show is the really unfunny homophobic/sexist jokes.


And why isnt it, good for being ahead of the curve on putting a trans character in there. People were complaining recently that there wasn’t enough color, but it seems if they had had someone there would still be something to complain about

It’s an old TV show, who cares?