What TV shows are you watching (2022)


Septuagenarian assassins? I feel it would be better if Jeff B would shout JUDO CHOP! when he knocks someone around. lol

Peter Jackson before 2003 is a tough act to follow. The original trilogy broke him. The Hobbit film series is borderline unwatchable, especially the third movie which is a steaming pile of junk.


Six episodes in and still eager to watch. I must be a glutton for punishment.

Itā€™s not that bad, but yeah, he shouldā€™ve stopped after the trilogy.

Binge-watched The Sandman. Thought it was excellent.


Really? I felt too skeptical so I was thinking of skipping it. But maybe Iā€™ll give it a shot

money heist all seasons.

Light and Magic. Makes some of the effects in the early Star Wars and Indian Jones movies look even more impressive. Was fascinating. I watch all episodes in 3 days. Normally that amount of tv would take me a month to watch.

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Yeah, itā€™s good. Worth watching, thank goodness

Iā€™ve watched two episodes. Decent so far.

I have to say, the two or three latest episodes of Better Call Saul are more enjoyable having seen Breaking Bad. Weā€™re at a point in the Saul timeline where things are crossing over more and more


This last episode was a good one.


I didnt like it. Maybe because I like Saul but seems like they had to make a darker ending to be ā€œrealisticā€. Would have preferred an ambiguous or non-ending type of ending

It isnā€™t finished yet, is it?

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Iā€™m on Episode Two. Chabbudy G (Asim Choudrey) is in it, repping for the Hounslow massive. Iā€™m really enjoying it, espcially The Corinthian. Takes me back to my uni days. Lovely stuff.

Think we saw the climax as he contemplated murder, all else is probably just gonna be the inevitable chase ending with death or jail. Unless he can get to the vacuum guy?

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Better Call Saul - Series Finale 8/15

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I just finished. Very much pleased. Very much. Such dense material presented so smoothly.

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Final episode is later today. I look forward to watching it. No spoilers, please :wink:

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Ok, thatā€™s it, Iā€™m really pissed with the Marvel tv shows. She Hulk is really taking the audience for a rideā€¦and not a good one. Stretching the plot that was too flimsy for a movie into 8 episodes is really too much.

Normally, first episodes are okish then comes the padding. If the first episode is fluffā€¦ :noway:

Iā€™m back to my Korean soaps and Japanese anime. And cancelling Disney plus when the contract is up.