What TV shows are you watching (2022)


I think pretty much the entire marvel universe including the tv shows has been on the decline since Disneys acquisition of marvel.

Netflix marvel shows were mixed in quality (I even sorta like iron fist or whatever it was called though I recognize it’s not really a good show). But compared to Disney marvel shows theyre godamn masterpieces

Anything Disneyfied = ruined

Ozark has new episodes on Netflix. I just put on Season 4 episode 1. This show was one of my early COVID binges, I just couldn’t drag myself away from the dark march through their lives. I hope this season is as good as the first few…

edit: 3 episodes in and i’m a bit disappointed


After life I’m on season 3! If you need a good laugh and cry definitely watch. I think this show came up at the perfect time for me. I might just finish it tonight.

And Just Like That

[not a spoiler] Sex in the City with same women becoming more weird.

SAD (Seasonal affective disorder) forced a few of use to try to watch this but…

we shut off within 15 minutes of the start of the first episode it’s just not like that

You’d literally have to do this to me to get me to watch that dreck…


All this in only the first episode.

High school

  • junior high kids selling LSD
  • nudity
  • cheating drug tests
  • overdosing
  • dic pics
  • nude pic sharing
  • naked underage girls
  • bondage porn
  • meaningless sex
  • delestrogen abuse
  • high school girls meeting old men in motels
  • drug overdose
  • drug tripping and climbing walls
  • convincing girls to suck dick
  • sex in the pool while everyone phone records
  • losing virginity…

I’m watching this on Apple TV. It’s pretty weird.

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Looks like fun.

‘After Life’ season 3. It’s okay. First season was still much stronger than S2 and S3. Ricky Gervais is playing… Ricky Gervais if he was a depressed widower. That’s about all you need to know. Some good comedic bits, but sometimes the comedy is a bit too broad and tonally at odds with the central premise that this guy wants to kill himself because his wife’s dead. Very good moments in the final episode though. Probably worth watching as each episode is only about 25 mins and there’s only 6 of them… but a very light recommend. 6.5/10

‘Ozark’ season 4, part 1. A poor man’s ‘Breaking Bad’, which still makes it pretty decent I guess. Great acting except for the kids who feel like nails on chalkboard in every scene they’re in. Moments of BB-esque brilliance dragged down by mediocre stretches of soapy drama and downright boring bits with the kids and whatever deal Wendy is making with politicians or elected officials in any given episode. Best scenes are as expected anything involving the cartel. 7/10


Good description and I liked it

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That one was a real tearjerker. :sob:


I am happy to report I have finally finished watching Star Trek: the Next Generation.

I have forgotten everything I saw before. Though my understanding of the memes is a lot better.

I still don’t like it.

And though I know many people like the ending, what the heck was that two hour episode?!?! :rant:

And then I saw the “special” they did as promotion for the final double whammy episode. First I was like, why does the fashion look so… dated. Then they started saying they had just broadcast DS9 and Voyager was still just a plan. Got it.

In one of the used goods stores I go to they have the ST:NG movie collection. I hesitated to buy it. I did not take it. Now I am sure I don’t want it. But I would still like to watch them. Hope we get PARAMOUNT+ here someday.

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Sorry to hear you suffered through so many seasons even though you didn’t like it (I remember encouraging you to keep going at the beginning).

On a related note, I tried the first few episodes of The Expanse based on recommendations, and didn’t enjoy it enough to continue. I like Thomas Jane (not that he’s a good actor, but I like everything that he’s in), however there was nothing about the show that really grabbed me.

So, I just started rewatching the Battlestar Gallactica reboot, I’ve seen it all but been a long time (most of it I’ve only seen once). I remember thinking it was brilliant back in the late oughts. Just finished the miniseries to kick it off and will binge this for a while…

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The Magicians

Maybe fun or maybe run from.

I wonder if they sing pop music cover songs every episode.

Ok. I finished Wandavision and Loki. And I am asking myself before I continue…why?

What is the purpose of setting this stories on a British tv serial, meaning a handful of episodes every few years, if at all? It feels like doctor Who but that would have filled a movie time instead of the 12 hours of my life I ain’t getting back.

Schitt’s Creek.

I’d probably be a bit sad once I finish all the seasons.

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I finally finished Squid Game Covid must have been bad when that came out. What a pile of crap that was.

I’m not sure if anyone’s told you, but you aren’t getting any hours back ever. That’s kinda the deal on this planet.


Euphoria is a mess.

I like it. 4 episodes in.