What's the very BEST damned burger in Taipei?

People who understand and appreciate good beef do. Ask any proper chef. Good steakhouses will only begrudgingly to anything more than medium, if they’ll even do it at all. Well done will have the kitchen mocking your lack of taste. That’s considered a waste of good meat.

Touché. I’ve noticed that, too.

Unwad your panties bud - I’m not misrepresenting anything you said or distorting your words, and I’m not suggesting you said it must be red. Just barfing at the idea of rare mass produced ground rat beef.

It may be a bit of a trifle, but do try to remember that one simply cannot be bothered with the opinions of servants.

Strange to barf at something that wasn’t brought up by anyone but you, then.

You can drop the insults, please.

Yes, I like my steak just seared quickly on each side, but I agree. Store bought ground beef can’t be bloody at all. Slightly pink is fine.

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Personal tastes and preferences differ. If you like your meat well done, that’s fine. Just because some snobs say that you shouldn’t, don’t let it deter you from what you prefer. I like my pasta a little more cooked than al dente. If that bothers you, don’t eat it.


What’s your problem with trifle?


In one of the Fleming novels James Bond susses that an Irish 00 agent must be a double agent because he orders red wine with his fish. I think it’s From Russia With Love.

haha, so I am a triple agent. I can do it the Taiwanese way, or Japanese way or Western (input nation) way.

Trifle…? No troubles with triffles.

Wow Café Fulong

Great burger and fries. They didn’t have hamburger buns this day but still great.



It’s in the middle of nowhere :rofl:

Swedish burger in bread slices, interesting.
Fries look good.

If you happen to be in nowhere, it’s the best you got :railway_track:

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Yeah, I spent several days barfing because some moron at a restaurant here heard about “rare hamburgers” and stopped cooking the damn things. Would have happened again a couple of weeks ago at TGIF’s except that I was on antibiotics; I still felt queasy for the night but by the next morning all the bugs were dead, dead, dead.

The places that do “rare hamburgers” in the U.S. grind the meat themselves, in the kitchen, as needed. They don’t get it from a slaughterhouse and let it sit fermenting for a week.


Not sure where you get that idea… There’s plenty of places that will give you a rare burger with mass produced ground beef.

Well, you go ahead and enjoy your projectile vomiting, then.

Anyone tried Rendezvous Burger & Bar?

Zhongshan/Linsen Bei Lu area. Next to new location of Sappho Live Music.

Aussie style supposedly. And some craft beers.

來搭伙吧 澳洲漢堡餐酒館 Rendezvous Burger & Bar (Fish n Chips)

I ate here before. It was alright, not Bad at all. Not the best though.

The best I had is here Man Cave Gourmet Burgers 男人窩美式漢堡
+886 2 2542 4905

It’s a new location. I only ate there at the old one when it was brand new. But it was really good