What's with All the Bomb Threats Lately?

Tbh, I find it perfectly rational from the US perspective, just as blowing NS2 was perfectly rational for US interests. It just doesn’t fit the narrative of the US being a friend and ally to democracies in the world, so people prefer to ignore it.

Or it’s just that there’s no proof of that being the case, and we know that the people who’ve been pushing that theory are mostly Russian propagandists?

A gunman killed someone in taiwan and fled to china, and was extradited a couple of months back I think.

Here is a Wikipedia article of the agreement in Chinese

Over here

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Wasn’t some retired USA army general… working for Russia Today, behind these theories?

Taiwan and China exchange criminals all the time you do not need an extradition treaty for that.
Philippines does not have an extradition treaty with Taiwan but sent back that Israeli murderer. All they did was cancel his visa and sent him back to the country he flew in from.

I will stand corrected here Sir.

Although being an “unofficial” agreement, a lot of discretion is involved.

It’s basically stuff like diplomatic immunity, pow protection and all that. There’s an understanding between all countries basically. Like for example nobody wants a fugitive in their country, so they are extradited and extradition treaty is just a formality.

One guy on Quora said how taiwan has no extradition treaty with the US for example, but a long time ago a child molester fled to taiwan and FBI came and got him.

however here basically all things are regulated by the Vienna convention, see here:

Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 1961

https://legal.un.org › texts › instruments › english

You would never read about something like this happening in a liberal place:

You would never read about dumb college students investigated for being sexist/racist in a liberal country? Really?

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Stuff like this usually only happens in Uber conservative towns in the US. This is ridiculous.

In conservative places people wouldn’t bat an eye on stuff like this. Those two dumbasses are getting investigated (probably expelled) and getting cancelled by everyone. That’s exactly what would happen in a liberal country lol.


Something like this wouldn’t have happened in the first place in most places I’ve lived in the past. I guess everything is relative.

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When I was going to UT Austin there was an organization called Young Conservatives of Texas, leaders of that group constantly gets investigated for saying racist/insensitive stuff… as you can expect. There were talks of basically expelling students that join that group… didn’t go through ultimately.

I agree, but I find NTU rather conservative too, at least the EE and CS department. I’ve heard classmates/labmates make pretty homophobic and sexist remarks. Not particularly insidious, but kind of what an old uneducated guy from the deep countryside would say in my country.

Are you sure?

New Zealand




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I’m not really surprised since EE and CS departments are very male, so there are probably a lot of locker room talks. In departments where the gender ratio is parity or more female than male, they would get railed if they say anything even remotely sexist/racist. When I was in NTU law circa 2015-2017 people were already using super woke language like “biologically female”.

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Yeah, you described it perfectly with the “locker room talk”. Still, most of the students and teachers are polite, tolerant, and respectful. But the “bad apples” can be very loud and rude. I sometimes hang out with people from other departments, and they are much more open-minded as well.
It’s quite funny, because when I did my BS in my home country, the computer engineering and CS department was like “engineering for the gays”, so I felt very comfortable :sweat_smile:

The girls supposedly being “offended” explained to the media that it wasn’t macho anything, but part of a game in which also the girls were part of it. They said politicians took it out of context to use it in their own benefit.

So basically only activists were offended, and not the girls.