What's your favorite vegetable? 🥬

I searched the forum and there’s a thread on this but it’s from frickin’ 2006.

I am tired of talking about plague every godforsaken day and I want to profess my love for cauliflower. I love just about every member of the cruciferous family. Brussels sprouts, kale, kohlrabi…all delicious. But cauliflower is my favorite.


Taiwanese cabbage


The cauliflower in Taiwan is outstanding, but Brussels sprouts for me.

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So much better than the cabbage in the US. My mom got a real kick out of my grandma experiencing (read: being horrified by) American cabbage for the first time.

Hard to find them here. I miss them. They were one of the special treats I let myself purchase every now and then at the fancy organic store. Get them roasted just right and they’re unbeatable.

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Carrots. Soups, roasted, braised, shredded salads / “slaws”. Easily added to many stews to add a bit more veggie content. I’ve heard you can boil them too. With the convenience that they can last in the fridge forever.

One of these days I’ll figure out how to convert a recipe’s “Two medium-sized carrots” to whatever that means for the monsters sold here.




Huh. My money on first joke post was more like “Potatoes”, with a picture of a vodka bottle.


I love the big fat cartoonish carrots here. I think they’re cute.

Radishes also great.

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Where the ice at???

There are three photos in this thread so far. One of them looks quite appetizing. The other two do not. But hey, trash panda’s gonna trash panda!

Rainbow carrots were another organic store indulgence for me. They don’t really taste any different than regular carrots, but they made soups and stews more exciting.

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Wait. Is this a fruit ot a vegetable?

I believe it’s a gourd. Gourds count as a vegetable.

Edit: I’m wrong! It’s a fruit.

I’m ashamed to say it, but I have yet to develop a taste for bitter melon. It’s just so damn bitter. I like a lot of fairly bitter vegetables but bitter melon takes it to another level.


I like those and spinach stirred fried with butter

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I hate bitter gourd
Anything. Bitter

I hate eggplants

I like bamboo shoots soup with bah koot

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This has always been one of my favorite foods of all time.

Eggplant Hakka style is so good!



Hate Brussels sprouts

Maybe you’ve just never had them cooked right. When they’re botched they’re just awful.

Eggplants super yuck especially per that pic

You will never catch tommy eating that
I wanna barf just seeing that pic

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