When will quarantine in Taiwan end? (Currently 0+7)

The only way the former health minister wins is if the blue side splits the vote between the newly proclaimed descendent of CCK (Wayne Chiang, formerly Chang) and the former hardline New Party and then People First Party candidate and now apparent ally of Ko Wen-je (Vivian Huang).

I doubt 3+4 versus 0+7 will swing it.


Oh come on!

Five fucking minutes work. Stop defending the indefensible.


some of my friends just did a rapid test at home to confirm. noone i know has reported to the government except if they had covid insurance because that required proof to receive the payout. otherwise people just stay at home until they test negative


Unfortunately 0+7 isn’t an end to quarantine at all. It’s no different then 3+4 if you’re not allowed to work during the “+” days. It still means any break from work is shortened by one week as far as international travel goes.

Time to end the nonsense completely. When the only other country on the planet on your side of a policy is China, it’s a safe bet that it’s not a good policy.


But you are allowed?

But you are currently allowed to work during the + days.

You think that will be rolled back as they liberalize? Where have you read that?


No. That’s my whole point.

Not if you work at a school in Taipei.

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I work at a school in Taipei.

Students at my school are not permitted on campus during the 3+4.

Teachers and researchers are permitted on campus during the +4 on the condition that a rapid test taken every 48 hours comes out negative.

Perhaps the issue here is your school? :person_shrugging:



Your school is in violation of the policies of the Taipei Department of Education, then.

No, it’s not my school. My school has been very outspoken about the need for the policy to change.

Nah, we’re simply not regulated by that venal agency.

For better or for worse, we answer to a higher power.


Never understood why TPE has department of education whem there is Ministry of Education. It almost as if its sole purpose is to decide the opposite of everything so mayor Kp can have the headlines.

Nearly every move I’ve seen Taipei City Department of Health make during the COVID outbreak has somehow pissed me off, starting with their decision to use household registry as the initial basis to allocate vaccines. These f*ckers are not looking out for us. Relatively less (as far as I could see, no such) bias from the national level team.



I am beginning my 4 days of self health management tomorrow.
Wanted to go to my school tomorrow and was told a big no! They told me that I can only go after I finish period of 4 days self health check. Sent them different files with info but still, the decision is no.
Any suggestions ?


Are you staff or a student? If it’s the latter, you’re not allowed across the board.


Hey, that’s more flexible than my school. As far as I can figure we can only go back after a further seven days following the self-check.

That is insane. :neutral_face:


Yeah, I was amused by how in that interim week I got two separate alerts for exposure to positive cases, but of course those don’t matter.


It is nuts. I’ve been in contact with multiple cases. Carry on. When’s your next class?

Someone comes from abroad. Tested negative. Been on their own for at least a few days. Treated like they have the plague.

No logic at all

