When will quarantine in Taiwan end? (Currently 0+7)


Well then work from home it is!


Victor Wang (王必勝) speaking at today’s new conference: “If we’re going to open [Taiwan’s borders without a mandatory quaratine on arrival], it will be announced ahead of time. Right now it is absolutely going to happen in October, possibly even in early October, depending on how the COVID situation develops.”

Source: https://focustaiwan.tw/society/202209210015



The rules on Self Health Management are that you may go about your life normally if you are not displaying symptoms. I worked during mine.

That’s false.

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I’ve had three this week.

In general, yes, but it depends on where you work - my school has rules about not coming to campus during that time. However, as far as I can tell, that’s a workplace rule, and not connected to anything the government decides.

Right. But that’s a far cry from ‘it’s no different’

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MOE is nationwide. Taipei and other cities have their own jurisdictions. And yes, it’s all political.

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No, it’s not. See previous posts.

Okay, then replace “schools in Taipei” in my previous post with “schools which are under the jurisdiction of the Taipei DOE,” which as far as I knew was all schools in Taipei. Lovely for you that your school is somehow an exception, but I’m speaking for the rest of us.

Yes it is. See the actual rules.

Please show me proof that nobody is allowed to go to work on self health management.

The rules of the Taipei DOE for employees of schools in Taipei. They are well-known— it’s not my job to do your research for you. If you work in this setting you already know. If you don’t, I obviously wasn’t referring to you and I’m not sure why you felt the need to argue.

It’s not a workplace rule, it’s a rule of several departments of education, including Taipei’s. Workplaces under their jurisdictions are bound by their rules, regardless of what the CECC says.

This is what you said. This is demonstrably false. I had no problems working during my self health management times.

You made a statement, I rebutted your statement. I asked for proof. You don’t have to provide proof, that’s fine. But I will post and make sure no, self health management is not the same as quarantine.

I’m not talking about the DOE. You didn’t mention anything about DOE in your post.

Not everybody is like you working in this setting. You didn’t mention anything about the setting in your post. I replied to your post to set the record straight.

Again, you didn’t mention anything about DOE things in your post. I set the record straight. It has nothing to do with arguing, but you don’t need to project onto me. Your post clearly stated that:

You don’t seem to be replying to anybody in this post, so I set the record straight.

And similarly, while you may not be able to work in your specific setting because of your workplace or other rules, it’s not the same as quarantine because unlike quarantine, you’re allowed to leave the house or quarantine centre.

This isn’t an argument. Never was an argument. I just simply rebutted a post that could mislead someone into thinking that the government’s rules are they may not work during Self Health Management.


Not being able to eat in restaurants for 7 days makes it less appealing. But progress, right?

I believe this is incorrect. I work in a university, and those seem to have differing rules based on … which workplace you’re at. Hence, in my case, workplace rule.

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Info here!


My flight back is exactly on the 15th.



Lucky you. Mine’s on 9/30, think I’m gonna have to book a hotel room.