Who cancelled Christmas!?

have you ever heard of a place called The Temp?

That’s the spirit! Thread firmly back on track. Disaster averted.


If I could stop it I would. I was never in the military, yet my son has this fascination with everything related to the armed forces. He could sing the Marine Corps Hymn last year (he’s five now), knows the names of all kinds of military hardware, he used to call me captain, insisted on getting a pair of binoculars, has all kinds of camouflage clothes, etc. Patton believed in reincarnation and that he had seen combat many times before in days past. Hmmmm.

Okay, back to Christmas you Scrooges.


Awesome…maybe he’ll grow up to be the general who retakes the Mainland!


Apparently something like 5% of all males on earth can trace their ancestry to Genghis Khan. Maybe that has something to do with it. Have you ever felt the urge to storm Western Europe on horseback?


No, but I’ve wanted to execute a punala on some people who frequent this forum.


OK, now you’re getting into the Christmas spirit. Mazel tov!


I guess most of the Christmas celebrators have never ever been to midnight mass, or don’t even know what it is.

Of course all Catholics or lapsed Catholics know what that is.

Reminds me of the 3-year-old son of a good friend back in the States. That kid’s thing is … vacuum cleaners. Whole ones, parts of ones, working, not working, his love is as unconditional as it is baffling. He loves 'em all. :upside_down_face:


I’ve done more masses than the Rolling Stones gigs. Well…

Neither do they know what a Trappist beer is. This reminds me: I need to start my beer fast for Lent.

You mean no beer, good luck then!
Only beer? Welcome!

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What is this “no beer” of which you speak? I thought he meant he’ll be drinking beer faster.

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I read it as ‘fasting’. :scream:

Since beer is so nutritious, a beer fast can hardly be considered a real fast.

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But did you know that Catholic monks once brewed beer specifically for a liquid-only Lenten fast?

They needed something other than water to sustain them, so the monks turned to a common staple of the time of their region – beer. They concocted an “unusually strong” brew, full of carbohydrates and nutrients, because “liquid bread wouldn’t break the fast,” Zuber noted.

I can imagine how some of the monks would have been: Only two more weeks until the fast, dude. (Or whatever the vernacular they would have used!)


Ah, I get it. No food, only beer. A concept invented by those wily Belgian monks, I suspect.

EDIT: marasan beat me to it.

Some replace one meal with a beer. Trappist beer is like liquid food.

Isn’t Belgium lovely?

But hey, the US has a Trappist order, and they brew beer now, Spencer!

Now that’s a religion I can get behind. Almost as cool as Rastafarianism.