Who does Forumosa target: men only, or everyone?

[quote=“Durins Bane”]Too many reasons why more men men post here than women. For you to incorrectly assume that forumosa is targeting men is very unfair to Maoman and Goose Egg.

If you had any bit of sense you would realize that there are many factors as to why more men post here than women.[/quote]

Buttercup has plenty of sense. FYI: The thread title asking about who the site targets was written by admin who moved the post from another thread. She didn’t pose the question, she simply responded to someone who said f.com needs a men’s forum. So she said:

And she’s right. It’s a men’s forum by default. I used to post a lot more, but most of the prevalent women posters left and who wants to stick around and argue with a bunch of bitter men and social retards about juvenile crap? (That’s not everyone of course, but there seems to be a fair amount of people from those 2 categories posting here)

Recently, I posted a “male boob” thread in response to a “girl boob” thread, which was obviously as a joke, and within a few posts a couple of posters turned it around and started talking about my boobs. I’m not that sensitive, so I don’t care, but a lot of women would. If admin were serious about making the place more female-friendly, they wouldn’t allow those kind of personal sexual comments to stand.

But they do and there are many, many cases of this. I squeel when I see something like this, and sometimes the personal attacks are removed and sometimes they’re not. Oh, well. My life doesn’t revolve around Forumosa, so I don’t care all that much. But, since all the feedback (aside from Buttercup) in the 4 pages of this thread has been written by men, I thought I’d add my 2 cents.

Hey, that’s a Fredfest and unkind! Okay, he carries on like a shit, but he’s alright deep down.


I’m far too wasted right now to even read beyond page 1. That got my gander up enuff to write this.
Granted, forumosa is a tough cookie.
Perhaps because some of us favour the fomulative growth/bicker factor that a forum style opinion board lends to it’s participants. AS opposed to the vapid contents of such as a chat room.
And WE all know it’s been hard on our female co-posters.
Yet, why would this be any different than the real world, in that respect? What I mean to say is that: if folks have been whaling on youse because your female, then it’s an abomindable crime. Yet, in the open workplace, if it’s cause a female’s skin may not not be particulary thick at any given time, then so what?
Chersit Alimgodish! It’s not like Man is on top of his game these days. Press home yer advantage, lassies!


I miss Notsu. We’ve had some nice ladies from the Eastern bloc.

Well with an attitude like that to the posters on here one can only question why you still bother. For me it’s a bit like TV, if I turn it on and there’s crap, I try another channel. If that fails, I turn it off. What I don’t do is complain to whoever invented TV and say “change it for me now.”


Thank you for clarifying, Erhu. I did NOT start this thread, nor did I write its title.

I’m not going to address everyone’s points individually. Summarising, the consensus seems to be;

If I don’t like sexism, I can bugger off somewhere else.

If I took responsibility for moderating the site, the sexism would cease to exist.

I have no right to complain about sexism because I am not very polite.

If I weren’t such a bitch then the sexism wouldn’t exist.

If I hadn’t been wearing a short skirt, then…

Keep going boys. Are you trying to prove me right? :snore:

Bitter old retards with beer boobs is hardly a sterling demographic I admit but gosh…

There’s the door, what’s holding you back? The off bottom is to the top right.

Sorry, Buttercup, but you’re boring me shitless without something immediately apparent. Be a mod. You have been told how much power you can choose to wield.


It’s also unfair to try and provoke me into some boring shitfight that no-one can win to try and increase hits, or whatever the motivation for this is.

If you want to increase the amount of female posters, sort it out. If you don’t, then don’t. What’s the subtext, here?

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]There’s the door, what’s holding you back? The off bottom is to the top right.

Sorry, Buttercup, but you’re boring me shitless without something immediately apparent. Be a mod. You have been told how much power you can choose to wield.


Goose Egg created this thread. Not me. It ain’t my battle.

Why aren’t I allowed to bore everyone shitless? Foul sexism!

Good grief! Read that again. What’s going on here, mate?


No idea. Sleepy time for me though. We bitter, ugly, large-breasted British harpies need our beauty sleep more than most!!!

Yeah, but you still get more than me! Four hours tops!


Well with an attitude like that to the posters on here one can only question why you still bother. For me it’s a bit like TV, if I turn it on and there’s crap, I try another channel. If that fails, I turn it off. What I don’t do is complain to whoever invented TV and say “change it for me now.”


You’re absolutely right about the part of “why bother”. I thought that’s what I already said. It’s why I’ve hardly posted in the last few months and it’s also why there aren’t many female posters here.

And btw: posting feedback in a feedback forum to a question posed by admin isn’t exactly complaining. Take a look at my post history and you’ll be hard pressed to find many complaints about anything. But nice way to try to turn the topic around in an attempt to make a personal jab about my “attitude”. You’ve kind of proved my point about how when a woman expresses an opinion, it often gets turned around and made personal.

What I meant about bitter men and social retards posting here is that these kind of people say things that they wouldn’t (or at the very least shouldn’t) say outloud in a real social context. There are things in life that you may think, but just don’t say. For example, calling the mother of your child ugly and saying you want to break an ashtry over her head is something that nice, socially-adjusted guys don’t say, especially in public, no matter how angry they are or how much of a bitch she really is.

I do have friends that still post on Forumosa, and I’ve met some great people here for sure! But nowadays I keep in touch with those people IRL, not so much on Forumosa. It’s still a good site for information, but most of the discussions I’d rather (and do) try to stay out of.

Needlessly insulting. Congrats. You’ve completely destroyed any credibility you may have had in this thread.

2 things:

  1. My comments are honest and most definitely needed.
  2. If they don’t apply to you, then why would you feel insulted?

it’s not all juvenile.

Buttercup, I would like to see you as moderator of the Open forum or Living in Taiwan forum. Maoman has made the offer, which suggests he’d like to see your no nonsense approach to the teenage flick fest that flob is turning into. Go girl.

Bitter old retards posting juvenile crap? :idunno:

Sorry you had a bad day yesterday. I hope you’re feeling better today. :rainbow:

I don’t disagree with you, although what you say here is true of just about any thing where people gather together. I certainly saw a lot of it back in New York - in college and in the workplace - and in Singapore and Manila. I’ve seen it at the various church communities I’ve involved myself in over the years. Here in Shanghai, we’d call it guanxi, but it’s hardly a Chinese or Taiwanese or Forumosan concept[/quote] No that’s just called “elitism” or snobbery. And it occurs often enough here to shut down any new life/breath or energy to enter in this creation. Actually I’m insulted that you would even suggest ‘guanxi’ at play here. I would need guanxi to have respect from posters? I would need it for my suggestions to be taken seriously?

[quote]I think it’s unfortunate that Forumosa can’t be all things to all people. I recognize it’s risky that we even try to be. But we actually do try to be as open as possible, and sometimes we miss it. I do not think we systematically encourage ganging up nor do we target one group over another (which is what this was originally all about)[/quote] No ganging up isn’t encouraged but nor is it limited. Which brings me back to the popularity aspect.

But I’m part of the system, so I could be blind. And I rely on you (everyone) to tell me otherwise. My point is that it isn’t just enough to say, “that’s a problem”. If you want to see action, offering alternatives are going to be far more effective. And appreciated[/quote]
I’ve offered many alternatives in the past, I’ve offered my time, my skills and my money to help f.com.I’ve also been quite forgiving of situations where I was dragged thru the mud.

I no longer do so because I don’t have that “guanxi” with Admins and the more longstanding and popular posters on here. So Mr. Goose Egg and Maoman, where do I, a woman, who agrees with Buttercup’s and Erhu’s positions, yet refuse to give up on such a site go from here?

