Why do British people refer Arab Muslims, Indians and Pakistanis as “Asian”

The French appropriated it.

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Dude, get a fucking atlas and look at the regions of the fucking world.


Get yourself an education bruv.

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So Arabs are not refer to as Asians?

Who is considered an Asian in the UK? Why wouldn’t they just call Indians, indians? Like you said, lots of Indians in the UK.

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Americas are two separate continents bruv. There’s north and south.

Why does Asian American refer strictly to East Asians?

Arab would not be included in the government description, but in the common consciousness who knows.

Also refers to south East Asians.

But you’re telling me, the British people don’t have the decency to call Indians Indians after colonizing them? Everyone else in the world does beside the British? Who has one of the largest Indian population outside of India.

The example you used in your OP isn’t Indians. Well, prior to partition they were.

This discussion is going nowhere fast…

So you’re telling me that America does not have the decency to call Filipinos Filipino after colonizing them? With one of the largest populations outside the Philippines.

Seriously, what are you talking about?

Wait until we get into chicken tikka masala. Arguably the best thing to come out of Birmingham since the M6.


I’m British of Arab ethnicity and I usually have to tick “Other” in forms asking for my ethnic background. From what I’ve always understood, “Arab” doesn’t usually fall under the category of “Asian” in the way the British mean it, even though the Arab country my parents are from is in Asia. “Semitic” would probably be more accurate, but I’ve never seen that on a form.

For most of my life, Asians from East Asia (China, Japan, etc.) were referred to as “Oriental” without any negative connotations. I think that the negativity around that word has been creeping in lately because of American influence. I’ve only just managed to break out of the habit of using “Oriental” in recent years. But, while it’s usually obvious what Americans mean when they say “The Asian guy”, it’s now become ambiguous here in the UK.

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The only British food I let touch my lips…


But clearly philipinos looks more like their neighbors.

Indians don’t look like Thai do they?

In this video they seem to call Arab Muslims as Asians.


I actually can’t reply anymore because I don’t understand your point.

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I feel like you’re being argumentative when I’m just honestly asking a question. I don’t understand why all these people are referred to by the British as Asians. I can’t think of anyone else refer to a Korean and Indian as Asian next to each other.

He didn’t say continents, he said regions.


He would be more wrong in this case. Americas would be 3 regions from north, south and Central America bruv

And New Zealand doesn’t have kangaroo! They have wallabies!!!

If you want controversy look at how the Aussies often refer to people from the Indian subcontinent. Indies, Lankies, Pakis.