Why do British people refer Arab Muslims, Indians and Pakistanis as “Asian”

I’d call so. In us, Asian means east Asian?

I’d say Asian and Indian.

South East Asian, East Asians.

Indians are Indians. I’ve never heard anyone group Indians into Asians besides talking about geography.

None of the British people I know call Indians Asians. I’ve heard oriental here and there. But they seem to categorized Indians, Pakistanis into individual groups.

You could break it down by skull type?
Anybody with a mongoloid skull type is Asian
Indians/Arabs/Turks have a different skull type so we wouldn’t call them Asian.

What are your thoughts on this @Andrew0409

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Surely many of them are from Britain.


Temporarily. They need to be added to the send em all back home list. Alongside the Normans, Saxons, and Vikings.

the only nationality you should be “feeling” is Italian.


I feel like physical features and pretty different geographical regions should do lol

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What the fuck are you on about?

They are generally referred to as South Asians. Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans and Bangladeshis are classified as South Asians. So South Asians and East Asians are all Asian even though they look very different. You ever seen a Great Dane next to a Chihuahua?

What the fuck are you on about with your lack of geographic knowledge. Can’t even name the regions and continents correctly. Jeez

That’s my point, you ever heard of anyone brush Canadians and Mexicans as Americans??

You’re such a Eurocentric colonizer, such a privilege stright white male thing to do, categorizing Africa into one region. And forgetting there’s no kangaroos in New Zealand. They have fucking wallabies damn it!


Not in Canada or America.

But… I did work with one Aussie who always used the term “south Asians”. He creeped everyone out and had to be let go.

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The use of British idioms is being eradicated for the common good. Someone just got banned from Twatter for a conversation about China still selling "fags’ ( cigarettes) to 8 year olds, on the grounds of being offensive. I guess every word may be construed to be offensive if one tries hard enough, but surely context must be taken into account?
Edit :Twitter

I find it absolutely bizarre when the press refers to pakistanis/indians as asians.

Are they asians? Yes. But it’s bizarre.

The reason they are referred to as, say, Pakistanis is to describe the person for the reader. It’s not just a person, it’s a Pakistani person. Unless of course the nationality is of some importance it seems like its mostly used to help further describe someone.

Now the conversation could be had how that isn’t necessary and could be seen as racist or promoting certain prejudices. Some really valid points. Why do we have to call them Pakistanis? Could just call them Earthlings at this point. Why describe someone based on what geographical position on the map they are from?

Buuuuuuuut. In an attempt to be PC (which in this case I totally get) they replace the term with ‘Asians’. Which doesn’t do anything. It doesn’t help further describe since Asia encompasses so many different types of people so there’s no use to even have the word being used at this point.

If you’re going to stop describing someone based on nationality then so be it. But replacing it with something extremely vague is just stupid.

In today’s news a local shopkeeper, a person with fingers, is having a bake sale.


Because they’re from Asia and in the UK a disproportionate amount of child rape gangs are Asian male on British white female children. It’s a cultural thing regarding how low Asian males regard females. (generally speaking).
Would anyone here not feel uncomfortable if you had young female children and your neighbors were a large group of Asian males?

The truth will shock you! Different people use different words to refer to the same thing. It’s really not that complicated. In Britain, Asians usually refers to people whose ancestry is from the south part of Asia, rather than the east part of Asia; going outside for a fag is something many people do; and the term fanny pack is linguistically amusing.

Specifically on Asians: isn’t the term “Pakistani” tricky because you’re not sure if you’re talking about someone whose ancestry is from Pakistan, or India, or Nepal, or Sri Lanka? “South Asian” is a reasonable catch-all term, like I’ll usually use the term “East Asian” rather than take a guess and label someone Korean or Taiwanese, or “Westerner” for someone here who’s white but I don’t want to assume they’re American or whatever.

Yes. Often. Especially from Spanish speakers. It’s a topic that flares up on forumosa once in a while.

You realize most people here with kids live in an entire country full of Asian males…


they live next to families not large groups of Asian men all hoarded into one small house.

Who is hoarding the Asian men?
(And do you have a dictionary?)


Ok but are we speaking, espanol?