Why do cars park backwards in Taiwan?

If a police officer neglects his/her duty they can be reprimanded law.

Unfortunately ā€œcanā€ and ā€œwillā€ is a huge gulf in Taiwan

Far more important than this is making sure that your wheels are always straight when youā€™ve parked! :roll_eyes:


We have a very basic Nissan bought almost five years ago and it has that camera. I use as more assurance that I didnā€™t miss something (like a small kid), but I really donā€™t use it to help me park. I use the mirrors and my natural superiority over females as a driver.

My parking neighbor and I park nose first. I donā€™t know them, but Iā€™m pretty sure weā€™d get along well.

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Your neighbor knows whatā€™s up.

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I donā€™t want to back into a small space confined by expensive objects I might damage. Iā€™d rather back into a large open space.


That is so not the case on my way to work on highway 24

Motorcycles come zooming at high speed between lanes
Itā€™s called Lane Splitting and it is legal here in calif
Thereā€™s even a pizza joint called lane splitters here
Sadly one or two of these guys die every week or so

Just one two afternoons ago

34 year old guy from Sacramento

Hence why itā€™s illegal.

When people pull that kind of stunt in the US, they know full well itā€™s danagerous and illegal and chooses to do it anyway. Here in Taiwan people would argue thatā€™s how things are supposed to be.

Yes lane splitting is Legal in California, I had a motorcycle license in CA. I always thought it should be illegal as its very dangerous. 2 of my friends went down due to lane splitting and not being seen by a car. Having said that Riding in Taiwan is far far far more dangerous than riding in California.

It doesnā€™t help the importance of wearing a good helmet or buckling your 100nt helmet isnā€™t ingrained in the riders here.


Statistically, even per capita or distance travelled, women are involved in fewer traffic accidents than men.


I drove a 2001 Toyota Corolla in the states from age 17 to [redacted]. Anything bought in the last decade is fancy to me.

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Social conformity is the answer youā€™re looking for.


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Hell no!

When I lived in Singapore some car parks did not allow backing cars into the parking spaces. The reason was the walls were getting dirty from the car exhausts (making the walls black).


That one actually makes sense.

Im wondering though in Taiwan where this is happening? I have never seen or heard of this in my years here. Is it a strata rule thing in private buildings? A taipei thing?

Depending on the spot backing in makes more sense as far as accidents with other cars goes. But never have i heard of someone actually telling others to do so.

Iā€™ve been told to reverse in by a security guard before.

Some car parks have that rule. Itā€™s definitely a thing .

Interesting. He say why? I wonder if it has something to do with police checks and computers or some other reason we might not immediately think of.

On second thought must be for towing. Front in with turned tires and cars in each side could be a pain in the ass to tow out.

No, but Iā€™ve been told before that itā€™s viewed as being safer. My view is that there is no reason.