Why do liberals bend over backwards for Islam?

But why do you think it sounds like that to you? If somebody criticizes Christianity do you think it sounds like they are criticizing all Christians?

What’s your end goal here?

I don’t dislike Islam
I love it actually.

I honestly don’t see you do this for other religions unless I’m wrong. You seem fine digging into Christianity.

Potentially everything.


To get an answer to my question. What do you hope to accomplish by informing people about the bad things about Islam? What do you get out of it?

I’m a liberal and I go out of my way to criticize Islam. I have the feeling I am close to getting pulled-up for it by TPTB here.

And yet…nothing happens.

A thousands-years-old religion isn’t just going to go away even if people talk themselves blue about its flaws. It’s still not going to go away even if they convince hundreds of people to dislike it as much as they do.

So…why? It seems like they’re all just expending a bunch of energy disliking something that they can’t reasonably do anything to change.

Where, here? Everything is open to criticism as far as I’m concerned.


Evil prevails when good people do nothing.

We discuss all kinds of things here. Why discuss any of them?

But nobody is actually proposing a game plan. What do good people do to stop it?

To get an answer to my question. What do you hope to accomplish by defending it and ignoring the negative aspects of it? What do you get out of it @Hanna?

Again, I’m not defending it. I want to know what the purpose of criticizing it is. Do you just want more people to dislike it alongside you? That doesn’t really help anyone.

Speaking out against it is a start.

Why do you think you’ve seen this thread and come to the conclusion “looks like Islam bashing”? Look at the threads bashing religions right now. Which religion is getting bashed the most?


Again, I’m not attacking it.

Do you want people to like it alongside you and ignore halah slaughter? How does that help anyone? The animals can’t defend themselves @Hanna

Why do you feel the need to defend halal slaughter? You are against inhumane animal slaughter right?

Getting those annoying feminist off our backs would be good. Go from hating straight white males to Islam. Maybe they can go to Saudis and protest there with their pussy hats.

So the purpose of this circular line of questioning is just to establish that you don’t have a real reason for criticizing it. You’re just criticizing it to be criticizing it. I see.

Then…this isn’t even about saving any of the kids or other people who are suffering. It’s about you. Or the convenience of straight white males, or whatever.

I just told you. I’m against halal animal slaughter.

Why do you feel the need to attack helpless animals who can’t defend themselves? I’m I not allowed to speak out and try to end some suffering?

Why can’t you stop attacking me for trying to defend the suffering of animals? Don’t you have a soul?

I don’t know, I’m only familiar with the Islam one previously.

And if you look into that thread you can see my views are pretty clear. I’m not an Islam apologist.