Working From Home in Taiwan - 2021

But at least laundry is greatly reduced by WFH.

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So we know now from Covid Science 2.0, that eating in enclosed environments is a big spreader. So you are an office worker, and it is lunch time. Eat in restaurants closed. Can’t eat in a park without your mask or a TV crew might show up. Where are you going to eat?


It’s crazy but once again we know the power behind the throne seem to be some business people.

It’s like being a fugitive hiking in the hills now but let’s jam together like sardines and eat our bian dangs in the office, doing our labouring jobs crammed together in our blue trucks. Construction work no problem !


I got called back into the office since our company only set WFH policy until the 30th, but currently not in line with government extending Level 3 until mid June. Shit is still hitting the fan, but company isn’t doing much about it.

It’s days like these when I wonder why I am still here.



I’ve just started working from home this Monday. So I updated all my work from home setup on my laptop, since my company didn’t issue everyone a laptop, monitor, and headphone like my wife’s company.

Monday morning, diaster struck. My company relies on Citrix for remote connection, and the process starts in the browser, and suddenly I find my firefox non-responsive.

After fiddling with all the simple ways that might resolve the issue, like reinstalling firefox, creating a new firefox profile and etc., I finally gave up and just installed google chrome, and that got me through Monday. In the mean time I posted my problem to a firefox’s support forum, and this morning I got my solution…

When I updated my citrix setup, it has a new app protection option, which I enabled. That single setting was what killed my firefox. I removed the icaclient and reinstalled it, disabling that option this time around, and my firefox is working normally again…


Is that your new supervisor up there?


Yes, when I’m not working hard for her canned tuna, she’d tell me to get back to work.

Actually most of the time she’s just napping on the table.




Dishwasher is easy to get installed. I wish Taiwan had sink garbage disposals!


Did you pose the cat for the picture? Is one computer yours and the other your wife’s?
It looks like you’re running Windows, so your antivirus or firewall may have blocked your connection. Reinstalling may have fixed it, but you might check those settings if you have more trouble.

I call it marriage. Truly, I often wash the dishes because I’m faster, or as my wife calls it, bad at it.


Could also be the “toastmaster”… ha ha ha


I thought the cats would be fighting for my attention but actually just like yours, they nap and leave me alone…most of the time.

My vet was convinced that the cats would destroy my laptop while I am WFH. So far, they, or rather, The One big ginger devil, has managed to turn off - single paw strike, amazing!- and unplug my laptop while working. No big damage so far.

I was lucky enough not to have many issues setting our system at home but our help chat looks like something out of a horror movie mixed with 911 calls on a full moon night…

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I have 3 other version of that shot, that is the only one where my cat looked up. Those are my wive’s computer and screen. Her company started WFH since late April. So she got the counter first. I am relegated to work at her dressing table, which she never use.


Yeah. Milktea spent the whole day yesterday napping on the dressing table while I code or present my work in an online meeting. She didn’t move at all, not even once to use her litter, which got me a little worried. She has had a bladder infection since last week.

At least you can monitor her health in site.

BTW going to the vet is another stress factor.

she my have a blockage, it can be quite dangerous for cats, normally male, but can occur in female cats as well. if she doesnt go to the litter box soon you should take her to a vet.

this happened to one of our cats recently, we nearly lost him.

She went after I clocked out. She is due back for an examination tomorrow. Will see if the swelling is down from the ultrasound.


I wash the dishes in 20% of the time it takes my wife, and I get 80% of the results she does. If she complains, I just refer her to the Pareto principle. It’s science!

So, it appears that even in the US some bosses don’t trust their employees whilst working from home and are using software to manage (spy on) their employees to ensure proper productivity.

It’s probably just a matter of time before Taiwan bosses implement these types of monitoring software if they haven’t done it already.

Has anyone here been subject (a victim) of this type of electronic monitoring while WFH?

How does your Taiwan boss micromanage your WFH productivity?

Tell me some horror stories, please.