Worst Pizza

Care to elaborate?

Were you frequently dropped on your head as an infant?

In 2019 the one at Beitou was actually decent, but they obviously got new employees and whoever has been doing it since at least last September doesn’t know how to make a decent crust.

If they’re consistent across all locations then they made a change in the recipe, but I would guess it was just an individual employee who was doing a good job and who moved on. Sort of like when Alleycat’s brother took over cooking for a night and nearly destroyed his business.

People often buy shit. Many different things, doesnt always hurt business. Check out their pizza at 7 haha.

No, i was just fed decent food haha :crazy_face:

They buy food they don’t like? If I go to 711 to buy something to eat, I at least pick something out that I like.

It’s a daily occurrence.

No, they buy food that is shit. They may very well happen to like the taste.

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Well… That’s your opinion.
But I think they have a lot of high quality options.

Didnt say they dont. Their pizza is not one of them however haha. Just saying they sell of crap, as do many places. But they have lots of flavor enhancers. A great example would be instant noodles. And they are probably one of the most popular foods here. To each their own, but lets not call a club a diamond.

I’ve only ever said the word good food. Never once called many of the things i’ve mentioned, diamonds.

Their pizza is not good…

I didn’t say their pizza was IMO. But people buy it. 711 often rotates products around and stops selling poor performers often. I guess we’ll see if it gets pulled from shelves.

Ya haha. Lots of peoole buy things that arent good. I do too, its just hunger. Sales doesnt always equate good quality, or even taste. Probably price is a better marker. I think we are going in circles. too many quotes feeling dizzy.

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I think we need to make a quote train thread and see how long it can go.


It certainly looks like that was your goal. :neutral_face:



I concur this was the best that I have encountered too. Kinda pricey though. Like 400 NT for one pizza.

That Japanese chain, Saizeriya was ok and very cheap. But they have been going down hill on the quality front. Like noticeable deterioration of the pizza quality. Overall its still a bargain though.

So yea I alternate between Saizerriya and Pizza Rock. Both are great.

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Anyone else have to suffer through this in elementary school?

My vote is whatever country did this to me.


That looks like pretty bad pizza, ill give you that :laughing:

I alternate between some local places and Pizza Rock. The local places are a bit better than PR, but their hours are inconsistent and their UberEats delivery time is always very long lol. PR does the job well and I get it much quicker. I was surprised when I found out how many outlets they have. It’d be a high quality chain in the US, let alone Taiwan. Special nod to their pulled pork pizza and BBQ chicken pizza.

Don’t know Saizerriya, but I’m in the south.

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What about actual public school cafeteria pizza? Like old cardboard with gym socks melted on it. I haven’t eaten it in about 25 years, but I still gag when I think about it.

Taipei here. Saizerriya is, would you believe it, a Japanese chain that does Italian food at indefeasibly (i just made that word up) low prices

Pizza rock is better but you feel it in the wallet :laughing: tastes nice though.

I actually used to have a pizza making hobby.

And basically you got to cover the kitchen in flour and crack an egg on the pizza .

toaster sized oven in the flat though so I guess that isn’t happening soon

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