Yet another mass shooting in the US

Which Bushes are MAJOR POLITICIANS? And that’s not many. I can’t think of any major Bushes holding office right now.

Hey you believe your government is always right anyways, so it’s not like anything I say is going to change your opinion.

I think you’re getting wound up, so I’m out. But, no. You haven’t made a convincing argument to change my belief that illegal migrants in federal prison don’t belong there. Have a nice day and Happy New Year.

apparently a maybe connected shooting down the street in Alhambra as well

“The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said they were seeking a male suspect …”

Damn. And all this time we thought it was a woman.

Not sure anyone would like live in a prison. Its not like cat or dog, and even them want to get out. Anyways, I am not in USA so not a big issue to me but interesting news.

Not a mass shooting, and I don’t think there’s a general gun thread here, but gotta post this somewhere:

Fucksakes. I know it’s new year, but are you really that drunk?

From my limited understanding of the U.S. legal/prison system, I don’t disagree with that part. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Seems Asian Male per USA Sheriff News conference ,is the person who did the killing (they think)'may%20be%20related'%20to%20incident%20in%20Alhambra%262023-01-22T16%3A59%3A22.771Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:7564bc1b-e06b-4601-96ed-bfdcd9a04f31&pinned_post_asset_id=63cd6afd1e5a29791b50dd0b&pinned_post_type=share

No, not at all. I’m actually quite sympathetic to the idea that people might be justified in violating immigration and employment laws to make a better life for themselves in an inherently unfair system.

My (possibly incorrect) recollection of your particular case is that you were screwed over by your parents’ bad decisions. I just don’t see much connection between that and the Holocaust.

It’s an Asian dude and he dead:

Fine, I’ll concede that.

In my opinion immigration laws are just nationalism, basically a way to treat people worse just because of their national origins, the same way Taiwan treats SEA badly. Immigration laws should just disappear.

72-year-old. Non-Asians really have trouble telling the age of Asians. Originally the police was looking for a 30- to 50-year-old Asian male, but when I looked at the photo the police posted, that guy looked at least 60…


surname Tran.

Chinese. Maybe he was one of those Viet-Chinese, those are are pretty common in SoCal.

“Tran was an immigrant from China, according to a copy of his marriage license that his ex-wife showed to CNN.”

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Yes, Vietnamese surname.

However, all it takes is one drop of Chinese blood and they will usually identify themselves as Chinese regardless of their native language, where they were born and if they immigrated to the US from Vietnam.

This was my experience working for a refugee resettlement agency back in the late 70s early 80s. David Tran who invented the American Sriracha hot sauce is a good example of this phenomenon of Chinese self-identification.

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That emigrated from China? Maybe as a boat person? That could be an experience with long-lasting ramifications.

Tran is Viet pronunciation of 陳

the fuck going on with the Asians in rich parts of California?

They often kill others then give themselves up
Afraid to die themselves

Not so the nightclub killer who took his own life though