Yet another mass shooting in the US

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Well that didn’t take long

Our local sage gets it right again.

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Not the time to talk common sense, people. Just thoughts and prayers.

The flashing lights, sirens, and 24/7 media coverage are a huge drug.

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Nothing on the shooter yet, but you’re likely not wrong.

Mass shootings always bunch together followed by droughts. Hopefully the rain stops soon.

Welcome to Wonderland where Goofycrats’ plan to stop the surge in gun violence is to deploy community organizers and unarmed part rangers to the gunfights.

More money. More park rangers. No more police.

A majority of the Portland City Council seeks to stem a surge in gun violence with a plan whose price tag is more than double the $2 million proposal floated by Mayor Ted Wheeler but would provide no restoration of funding for police.

Commissioners Carmen Rubio, Dan Ryan and Mingus Mapps instead would immediately give millions of additional dollars to community organizations and hire 24 additional unarmed rangers to patrol city parks and surrounding neighborhoods, documents obtained by The Oregonian/OregonLive show.


24 prey for ambush attacks…


Very likely some kind of PTSD and damage from concussions involved. Youre making very strong cases for gun control here.

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Crazy. What’s the narrative? :popcorn:

Remember back in the day when people said “wow, that sucks. What happened? That poor family”, etc.

Guess we’re just skipping that unnecessary step altogether now.

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Yeah, I did that step…at home. :roll:

Nothing much to see here people. Just an ordinary crazies’ 2nd amendment day:

Does the 2nd amendment apply in jail? Why take away this outstanding gentleman’s constitutional right behind bars? Doesn’t he have the right to protect himself from crazy government agents in jail? Isn’t he “ necessary to the security of a free State,”?

That’s a lot of shootings on a Weds. :no_mouth:

What are you babbling about?

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My NRA membership expires in 2022 (I cancelled payments on my lifetime membership). The reasons are due to leadership failures (LaPierre) not philosophical issues. Fact is, in the US, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Like it or not. It shall become interesting when Democrats advocating AGAINST the 2nd amendment stand by the 25th (“the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office”) to kick out Biden for to his evident signs of dementia (do you really think he – or Trump – received the *actual" nuclear codes? I’m unsure).

Swapping Harris for Biden would be a smart move, but one that is no less constitutionally based than the provisions of 2A. Those who have the will to acquire weapons, through legal or illegal means, will almost certainly succeed. In the absence of guns (Taiwan or the UK, to an extent – at least publicly), knives, vehicles or other weapons are used. It’s been just over five years since the savage murder of 小燈泡.

The fact is, the constitution is a political document written centuries ago open to a lot of interpretations, and some absolutist harping on the constitution isn’t going to fix the fact that too many people are killed with guns for no reason. It’s more than OK to update the constitution to factor for modern weapons, today’s political climate etc if it saves lives.

Also, the second amendment jock routine with the NRA falls flat quickly when most of it’s members can’t name what the other amendments say, or don’t care.

Well done on leaving the NRA though, that is commendable.


But voting is okay even if you’re an ignoramus?

Can’t have it both ways.