You know you've been in Taiwan too long when

tommy spent decades on the wan riding scoots and motos without a helmet and still lives to this day.
Oh and I was run over by a taxi cab too… lived through that one too.

almost drowned twice but…still here…

the list goes on


Sorry to say Tommy but that was when the greatest danger on the road were tricycles, water buffalos and stray dogs. Now we have too many buses and cement trucks. The odds are against the scooter driver.

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Yeah those were the days… I remember giving rides to stray dogs and water buffalos on my scoot
But only when I was drunk

But you are right these days I’m more likely to get blotted by a cement truck

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Wanted to see my old parents.
Missing Christmas and New year celebration with my family back home.
Hearing old people voices makes me cry and missed my parents.


Take care Jo. You’re a good soul.

Reach out to your loved ones through Skype or whatever you like to use.

The forumosan community will also be here for you.



you know you’ve been in taiwan too long when you can’t remember when you arrived…or last left.

p.s. seconding the post before this one…hang in there, all you missin people you love! This covid thing is a bitch. Let’s hope the crisis ends in 2021

So sorry to hear that. A phone call helps but it is never the same.

You ask for less or no ice in your drinks. And Western desserts are too sweet. And water at room temperature (never chilled) is preferred.


Except for your beer.


You’re gonna make @jo cry more!

I’m kidding.

@jo, we all feel your pain. We hope this mess ends soon so we can go and safely hug our families.


ARC application: last date of entry.

To hell if i know. I end up asking the immigration officer.

Hey uhh… when did I enter last? No stamps. Egate.


Once I was at CKS
Immi coming in and the immi lady was perplexed

She kept
Thumbing through my passport which was full of stamps because
Of all the HK visa runs so I asked what’s the problem

Apparently all the info about me on her
Screen went blank probably due to a Microsoft glitch

And then she waved me through

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It takes more than one hand to count married ex-girlfriends/boyfriends/friends with benefits.

Just noticed another one married recently.

Well by November 2021 covid would have been around two years !!! Cases started appearing in the Bay Area Nov 2019 even though people didn’t know what is was

How come nobody yet knows where it originated from ?

That discussion belongs here:


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You guys all talk about how upon coming to Taiwan how easy it is to find a woman…

I seem to be the opposite. I found it easier to find women in the states (not much better, but I can have a friend every now and then). But in Taiwan, it’s barren.

But tango’s point is how many of them he lost! :neutral_face:


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Yea, but my experience is, getting laid is so much easier when I am outside of Taiwan…

Yup that has been the experience of some or many
Guy I knew went to Taiwan and he finally hooked up with a Californian Asian girl

He just Couldn’t get in the groove with Taiwan girls

Whereas I’m definitely on the same wavelength with Taiwan girls and on a totally different frequency with American girls

If you know what’s good for you, you’d better (re)find your wavelength with your Indonesian wife! :rofl:
