APRC: Worth it?

Icon, your info needs some update.

Children. Not married. And it is limited again to ARC. Spouse must find a job with sponsored etc.

Gee, look at all those limitations with golden card and special professional status. APRC is not a solve it all but still rules so far.


Look at the limitations: unable to look for oneself. That means no work rights.

I still have to clarify it is not a common issue like marrying someone and getting sn APRC. As you see, there is 5 residency requirement and others. It is not automatic.

I fear referring to this once in a blue moon situation will confuse newbies.

edit: After being on a marriage visa (to a local) for 5 years you can then apply for APRC right?

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iiuc, once they get the dependent APRC, they can apply for open work permit, as far as their sponsors hold APRC.

To a local, yes. To a foreigner, if not working by yourself, nope.

Wouldn’t that defy the grant on their card based on the requisite of not being able to look for oneself? I do not think the government here would take such a disregard for local law lightly. It is not the purpose of this visa. It is humanitarian.

that is about adult children.

Adult children who can look for oneself cannot get the dependent APRC.

That was the law people were fighting for so their offpring of college age would not be kicked out. Again, it is a bit more complicated than that.

Does permanent residency grants open working permit?

that is Article 17 of Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals etc.

iiuc, article 51 of Employment service act says so.

after being on a spousal ARC (to a foreign professional) for 5 years, after the foreigner gets an APRC, yes. (Article 16 of AREFP)

If the foreigner is a foreign special professional, at the same time when the foreigner applies to APRC, without the 5 year residency requirement. (Article 15 of of AREFP)

AREFP: Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals


When you change from ARC to APRC your ID number does not change, right?

Correct, it doesn’t change.


Isnt there pretty serious talk of unifying arc and national id numbers to dump that problem second letter? Seem to remember Tsai got this one in the works.

There was, but the reality is that they still need to distinguish them.

Under the current plan, the second letter would be changed to a number, but not to a 1 or a 2 (which represent male/female on TW ID cards). So we would go from ABCD to something like 3456, meaning that the new ARC numbers still wouldn’t be able to pass the checks which validate Taiwanese ID numbers. Totally useless, and I hope they don’t bother because it will be a royal pain for everyone and not a single benefit will come of it.


From previous posts they seem to be aware it’s useless but are still going ahead with it. Even the chamber of commerce advised them of the incompatibility. Hopefully they will adjust this before launch

Well, we all expect the gov here to not be super detailed and thorough…but it would be hard to believe they could redo all arcs without realizing this being a problem. I mean i wouldnt be shocked if they overlooked this but i certainly dont expect them to.

Perhaps the way their systems coding works, numerical digits are more easily integrated than A through Z so it wouldnt be a problem as numbers still work they just have a different category set? Seems like a stretch, even for Taiwan, that this would intentionally be ignored as it has been pointed out to them from early on.

It’s not overlooked–this is 100% intentional.