Beer Alert & Directory IV

Come down to Ktown. We’re not as backwater as people say. We have a diner specializing in Arkansanian cuisine and our Costcos actually have decent beer.


I’ve got your quid pro quo right here. It’s a nice every day lager but nothing really that special. Very drinkable but not something I would choose when wanting something nice. Bought at Simple Mart.

Finally having it now. Three deep and I’m already buzzed. It’s really good. 9 out of 10.


That’s a damn good score. Was it the citrus, pine, or floral?

I’m going again today. I’ll take another look


All of the above, I guess? I can’t remember. I just remember it being damn good, like a craft beer I’d buy in the states. I won’t lie. I drank the whole sixer.


I would gladly give someone two beers tomorrow for every one beer they bring to me today.

And I think any real beer drinker can understand what I’m talkin about.

Well I’m going for a walk to try whatever is in the house.

Edit: and Ubereats

49 posts were split to a new topic: Beer Alert & Directory V - Roaring 20s edition

Beer Alert & Directory continues into the 2020s. Follow it here!