Canadian murdered in Yonghe



Wow, I stand corrected. He’s been a busy boy.

If they’ve been in solitary since arrest and need to be in such for another two months, that’s nearly a year. It’s safe to assume that neither will come out of this in good shape. If the prosecutor’s case isn’t strong enough that it could be damaged if they are allowed to communicate with, literally, any other person in the world, they don’t have that good of a case and this is pure torture.


Jesus, you guys.
They’re not in fucking solitary, they’re just not in Gen Pop, like they do with child molesters and incarcerated cops and shit.

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It says they are in solitary though ? Kept incommunicado.

Chen shui bian was kept in solitary as well for ages, wasn’t he?

Actually, I read through the article posted before and am not sure they are in solitary. It says they have not been permitted to contact their family but nothing else.

OK it’s not clear then.

I met Chen Shui Bien a month ago. Picture of health.


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Wow, they must be Taike royalty. :grin:

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All calls from inmates are recorded here, solitary or not. I know it well



Not just recording they listen in live too, sometimes interrupting conversations as they see fit ie if they feel something being talked about might be deemed as a bad influence on the detainee. Speaking in a language they do not understand is sometimes disallowed if they know beforehand you can speak Mandarin.

I guess that rules out phone sex. Harsh…

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He he he. I don’t know if that is the whole island’s prison system or just my “friend’s” one. For punishment they place you in a padded cell with a straight jacket and some other restraining devices and blast out Buddhist chants at high volume with the lights on 24/7 until you adjust your attitude.

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And people criticised the Americans for using rock music against Noriega.

Pretty sure the criticism came from it being Def Leppard, not rock music per se :wink:


The only band that got less worse after the drummer lost an arm.

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Please, fuckin Water Flat was never in actual prison, never mind fuckin solitary