Cancel Culture Victims

You guys must be super fun to party with… can’t you just have a laugh at human stupidity instead of trying to lecture others? booooh…


Outright educator, this is who I am. Nobody has ever accused me of being fun. But if you like dry wit and sarcasm, I am hilarious.

This reminds me of one girl who started to call me “teacher”. “Yes, teacher”. “OK, teacher”. In bed, and no, it wasn’t even sex ed haha. So I’m guilty too.

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When the bars are open after 10 again!!! Vaccines coming. Fingers crossed.

Quarantine day 6: I’m gonna need more scotch

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Oh, shit are you locked in a hotel for 2 weeks?


Mental note, avoid
this forum for next 3 weeks
Just kidding fare well


It’s amazing the lengths people will go to to troll a forum.


Next time someone accuses me of not actually being in Canada, they will be correct.

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That slanty eyed bastard would be the less racist version of the long haired, yellow chinaman, already edited by Dr Seuss.

An image you didn’t include, of ‘africans’:

As for Pepe, he may be a cartoon, but that little bastard is definitely a date rapist.

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I’m not so sure. The apologies never seem to work, which makes sense because no one was ever really offended.

and also a smelly Frenchman

I certainly would have given that advice to Pence on Jan. 6


people complaining about left need to familiarize themselves with the Overton window. I see centrist thrown around on Forumosa like it’s the reasonable position, not the one that capitulates as the us moves further and further to the right (from both parties but one in particular).

centrism does literally nothing, it is no virtue, it is an apathetic take that for some reason people subscribe too because it makes them seem “fair” when the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. “yeah I’m a centrist… in a completely f*cked country well on its way to self-destruction”.



well, it is the middle path almost by definition. i’m not saying everyone else is unreseasonable, unless you want to push the issue


and i disagree, i like the virtues in the half-assed chart i shared, thank you

I take a global perspective, and am not American. You can rephrase your entire comment to be specific to the US…

I follow a middle path, no need to get upset about it. you should look into some buddhism if you’re living in taiwan


A Catalan translator has been removed from a job translating the poem by National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman that she presented at President Biden’s inauguration because, *as a White man, he did not fit the “profile,” AFP reported.
…“They told me that I am not suitable to translate it,” Obiols told AFP. “They did not question my abilities, but they were looking for a different profile, which had to be a woman, young, activist and preferably Black.

Well, that should be no trouble. All they need is a professional English-Catalan translator who is Black, female, under 30, and active in social justice movements. The northeast corner of Spain is probably swarming with people who meet these requirements.

At this rate, Gorman’s poem is either (a) never going to be translated because it’s too damn much trouble for minimal revenue, or (b) it will be translated widely but badly because the pool of qualified translators has been cut down to almost nothing. Progress!

Shouldn’t a Catalan be able to argue that they are a minority being oppressed by those racist Castilians?


take a deep breathe and re-read what I wrote. I said the us. and I caught that I used the wrong “to” while I was on the toilet, but rather than edit it I let it be not expecting anyone to be petty enough to raise it. you sure have a lot of opinions on the us and Canada for being a person of worldly perspective.

but, rant aside, the point still stand which you didn’t address. context. someone or a worldly view such as yourself should be able to see clear as day that “far left” in the us is centrism or even right-learning in several eu countries. Canada as well for that matter but to a lesser extent.

Yep, well there’s still hope if we can hold off the extreme idiocy all too apparent on both sides.