Coronavirus - Taiwan OPEN June 2021

How long do people here think level 3 will last? I’m supposed to start a job in Taiwan in August, and visas don’t reopen until level 3 goes.

I’m sorry, but no one knows. Before the Delta news, I was fairly confident we would go back to Level 2 by the end of July. Now… it’s a ‘wait and see’ game. If Delta is contained, you should be okay. If not… well, then it’ll be a while. Have you communicated with your school about your situation? They should be understanding as everyone is aware what’s happening. (And if they’re not understanding or empathetic, then maybe it’s a red flag that you shouldn’t work there)

In 10 days or so, we should know whether the Delta variant has taken off here.


I don’t think that Taiwan should take in any foreign teachers at this time, not until the level 3 warning is finished.


You are probably right. Maybe the poor fellow should change his name to Help_Me_Wait_A_Bit_Longer then.

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I don’t disagree with any of this. But still uncertain is hard, especially as people are trying to make plans. That’s one of the results of this ongoing plague . . .

Take care all,



Schools seem eager to fill vacancies. Was sent a job offer for 1 of 2 positions. Starts in 30 days. The school had been running ads for over a month. Now they are going after people directly. Declined the offer. It puts me too far away from my daughter.

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Glad to hear you have some options!


Not really. I need to stay in Taipei for family. My age is my biggest issue in Taipei. The schools want young ones teaching. The wife has an awesome job so I’ve always refused afternoon and evening jobs while the wife works her normal late hours so I can spend time with our young daughter. I declined the far away position because the daughter asked who would meet her at the bus stop. Made me cry.


You’ll get something soon.

Don’t sell yourself short due to age. You bring maturity, reliability, experience. :slightly_smiling_face:



That is why I think information would be better to be posted in separated threads.

Nationwide: Level 2 epidemic warning (from October 17, 2021) - Rules, FAQ

The first and second post are a wiki and can be updated by anyone with current information.

In other news

Here’s Apple Daily, of all sites, debunking the “I got sick while throwing out the garbage” bit. Expert says it is not possible.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: From coronavirus

You can always ignore people. Not with your brain, but with Forumosa. It’s cleared things up a lot for me.

Just go to your preferences > users > under ignored click add > type a name and pick a time frame

If you’re ever sad or lonely and miss the tinfoil hats or the arguments, you can expand the hidden replies.

Also, to make this on-topic, if Taiwan produces its own variant can we just skip to Ξ, Xi?


K-man on the Irish guy:

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Also from that article: “The deceased man reportedly had a history of hypertension and obesity.”

Yes people with serious health conditions need to seek medical intervention immediately if they are positive. Many have died within 48-72 hours and that is why they want to put people somewhere they can be monitored.

It doesn’t offer his family and partner much solace though. He died from covid and he would still be alive if he didn’t contract it.

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Where does the article say that?


It doesn’t seem like anybody in the (very small) Irish community here knew him so far although his name has not been released. We have no govt reps or trade office officials here so it’s even more difficult to deal with these things.
Some people keep to themselves and that’s OK but we should always try to check in on folks as few of us have family here.


Like you said, some people keep to themselves. Some people don’t want to be checked in on, even if those checking in have the best of intentions. They just don’t want it.

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