Coronavirus - Taiwan Open September/October 2021

1 + 11 = 12 and one death.


Did you catch if today’s new local case was already in isolation?


No, but it seems they were a known contact of an earlier case, so probably was in isolation.

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I know you have to wear a mask outside. What about if you are in ya garden?
I.e still on your own property.

I ask because some idiot neighbour had a go at my mother in law when she watered her flowers at 6 am.

36 posts were split to a new topic: Illegal for a hospital to actually do antibody testing?

2 + 4 = 6 and no deaths.


One being a paid test for a traveller intending to leave, the other a child already in isolation.


It’ll be interesting to see if the young woman who took the paid test (and came out positive) turns out to have an older Alpha infection or if we are back on the Delta train again.

As always, contact tracing and isolation efforts are underway . . .


Ugh, please don’t jinx it

No “jinxing,” just a question about this (evidently asymptomatic) case. :slight_smile:


Can someone please post a pic of the Kenting nightmarket and get it over and done with. Add the requisite comment about a spike in cases/full delta lockdown ten days from now.

The suspense is killing me.

On a related note the po po are now driving around Da-an park in an SUV just to be especially kuntish.


Photos or it didn’t happen. :rofl:


To cheer you up, Mr Bear, note that the single case in the wild reported yesterday (a woman in her twenties who was trying to fly out and tested positive with her requisite PCR test) is almost certainly an old case. Of course she visited department stores before her (intended) flight!



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That would put a downer on ones upcoming trip - paid $$$ for the PCR, packed bags, already to go, only to get the dreaded Positive advice. Imagine the sight of her, steam venting from ears, spoken words needing censure. Two weeks ‘holiday’ courtesy of the CDC, and pay for yet another PCR no doubt before the revised departure date.

She does seem to have travelled a lot. I suppose that’s one of the risks of doing so.


At her CT value she probably hasn’t been infectious in weeks (if not months).

We are discovering old Alpha cases through incidental testing at hospitals and airports. The May outbreak is in the mop-up stage and most of the undetected cases are from May/June when the system was overloaded and are now non-contagious. When is the last time we got an Alpha case with a really low CT value?


Wonder if she was double infected? She also tested positive back in September 2020. This seems to be an unfortunate annual thing with her.


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I would be absolutely livid. I got my test recently and I was terrified that they’d hand me a false positive and the GULAG team would arrive to drag me off.

She’s being detained for no good reason, bleeding money, and presumably being denied an important trip (nobody travels for fun these days) simply because someone, somewhere has decided to crank up the Ct limit for “positivity” to the max … something that other countries discarded several months ago when they were called out on it.

If she tested negative during quarantine, and Taiwan has no cases, then her recent test is 99.999% a false positive. I thought people were being offered a second test in such cases?

Why wouldn’t she visit department stores etc? It’s what people do. And she isn’t ill. Why the smugness among the bureaucrats? It’s just another warm body sacrificed to the COVID god.


I’m not sure I’m very convinced by this explanation. Doesn’t Taiwan still require people leaving quarantine/isolation/hospital to test negative a certain number of times first?

If these are all just “old alpha cases” still testing positive, shouldn’t there also be a load of people still locked up from that time, feeling perfectly fine but still testing positive as well?

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