Coronavirus Taiwan - Specific Developments May/June 2022

in the U.S. you can make upwards to $1000 per day waiting in line for someone. must be a racket already going on in Taiwan for rapid tests, too

Switch the stools and umbrellas and watch the fun. :grin:


It makes a lot more sense than standing in line!

Amazing that they can’t come up with a better system.

Went to the school today to collect tests. Walked into the office and nobody is wearing a mask.

I just defended teachers to my family and they let me down.

Looked stupid trying to grab them. One didn’t even have it on her.

Wouldn’t care apart from the fact my kid’s teacher was questioning her about not wearing a mask in her own house and they are demanding we do rapid tests.


They did. Chumbrellas are a friend indeed.

It’s unfair.

Old fuckers who live nearby just put a stool there and then showing up five minutes before 2pm is hardly equitable.

It’s the standard selfish Taiwanese behavior that grinds me.


Then, I’d be on tonight’s TVBS broadcast segment of “Look what evil white foreigners do to the helpless elderly of Taiwan!”

Should I toss banana peels all over the stools, too?


They’re just going to spread coronavirus if they stand together there. Less coronavirus, win

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Wear one of these:

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Has anyone heard about a pregnant woman dying? My wife says she saw it on the news ticker, but you know the media here has a habit of sensationalizing or just plain making up shit.

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I saw it.

Reportedly, the baby died earlier and she just died herself. It’s attributed to Covid and she only had one dose of vaccine. Reportedly.

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Personal experiences in the testing/reporting/quarantine process

Simplemart is selling test kit packs of 5 for 900NT. No lines.


Almost twice as expensive as pharmacy tho

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The cost of convenience I guess


What are people’s opinions on the chances of a Taiwan hospital doing their homework and discovering something like this in a Covid fatality here.

I’m being cynical, but it’s very low cost to just write Covid on the death certificate.

Covid Stats For 2022-05-07

Local = 46,377

Airport = 56

Quarantine = 103

Deaths = 11

Current Severity of Symptoms Statistics

Local Cases By Districts (Interactive Map)


The good news is the death rate isn’t spiraling yet. We still saw bigger daily deaths during the much smaller Alpha outbreak.

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So starting tomorrow the government won’t send quarantine notices to contacts? Does this mean they don’t need to quarantine, or?