Do posters on forumosa represent (US) expats on Taiwan?

Yes, how can you know someone doesn’t know about something if you don’t know about it?

You must know enough to determine someone doesn’t know.

You’re taking “properly” too literally…Most people can agree that religion has the capacity to inspire a person to be their best selves. I’m sure we have all met people who have improved themselves through their faith. When people improve themselves, their society benefits, too.

I also think most people can agree that there’s almost no way any single religion is “correct.” They’re all just offering their best attempt.

You don’t need to be a scholar to know this stuff.

YOU said you don’t know.

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Also lots of people with faith that does bad shit in society.

You don’t know much about many religions do you?

I never said I don’t know anything. Quote me.

Yeah, duh, there are also shitty people who take advantage of religion to do bad things. That’s also par for the course.

You yourself said you don’t know much about Islam, you just don’t like what you see.

I will never begin to understand how people who would no doubt describe themselves as liberals bend over backwards to defend Islam. It’s like listening to Ben Affleck. My original “Why do I dislike Islam” thread was started in reponse to somebody who insinuated racism when I criticized Islam in another thread.

Have a listen to the Hitch and see if it has any impact. I’m guessing that it probably won’t.


So again you know they’re just taking advantage of religion? How is a person taking advantage of religion to blow themselves up? What advantages did they gain?

If you can quote me. Also not knowing much is still knowing something.

You can mince words as much as you like, but in the end I just think it reflects poorly on people to talk at length about how much they dislike something that they admit they really don’t even know that much about. That’s all I have left to say about it.

There are actually posters here that I thought were pretty liberal but are actually politically very conservative

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I didn’t make that thread. I know about Islam, I’ve studied it, definitely not a scholar.

So my friend next to me, an apostate, can’t legally change his religion without punishment from the law and can’t really openly say it. He says its bad, he left Iran after the crazies took power.

Bad or not bad? Or can we not determine this?

The obvious problem here is the idea that there is some kind of bundle of beliefs that makes “right wing people”. If someone is a supporter of Donald Trump, but also a supporter of a traditional left wing stance such as import tariffs in order to protect labour rights are they right wing of left wing? Or the standard left wing position in the 70s to oppose immigration in order to protect against a pool of cheap labour which would impact on the earnings of the working class.

In my case, for example, I don’t like Islam and I don’t like Donald Trump. Am I right or left, and why have you never met anyone like me?


So, I think I will checkout now.

I was wondering if forumosa/tw was an outlier regarding my the impression of the west

But whoa, f me, this forum is strong with alternative facts

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I’m vegan and care about animal rights, so people always assume I’m some bleeding heart liberal. yikes!

Do you have any examples?

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Are you wearing leather shoes or a belt, wallet? Even if it’s made from oil animals get harmed in some way.

For the record, many of the foreigners I know in real life are strong pro-trump/conspiracy/anti-immigration (ironically) types. I don’t follow politics through Forumosa, but I have sensed that many here are pro-trump. Oddly, when I did follow politics through Forumosa, nearly everyone here was pro-A-bian back in the day, though those had vastly different stances on many issues. Maybe people are more vocal when their side is winning. I really think it’s because most of us live in an unintentional echo chamber and we tend to form our opinions collectively with those who we feel close associations with. I think a lot of people wanted change and they got trump, and now they’re going to stick with him as loyally as a Cubs fan. It’s a tribal instinct.

I’m very careful with all of my purchases.

I disagree (respectfully) but I don’t mind sharing why I think so.

Turn on CNN or any of the MSM outlet right now, and you can see they push the idea Trump is 100% responsible for everything and they have 0% of the blame. You can see in this thread, poster after poster demanding the other side admit Trump is at least partially to blame and myself included as well as others are saying, yes Trump is partially to blame, yet have you once seen any admission from those who despise Trump that the left holds responsibility whatsoever?

I pointed out earlier the division and rise of incivility, did’t begin with Donald Trump. I saw a video not too long ago of a group of white liberals shouting at the tops of their lungs at a black woman (Candace Owens) decrying white supremacy. It’s utter sheer insanity and the left absolutely need to stop and say to themselves “there is something wrong with this picture, we need to take a step back and see exactly where we took a wrong turn”.

There is zero accountability from the anti Trump crowd, they won’t admit Clinton saying we cant be civil contributes to a toxic environment, they wouldn’t say Holder’s comments “when they go low we kick them” have contributed, or Maxine waters “get in their face” or Joe Biden who wants to beat up Trump behind the bike shed, or on and on and on with example after example. shootings of Republican senators or body slamming Rand Paul.

It only matters when Donald Trump praises a senator for body slamming a reporter (which he should’t do), makes comments about grabbing a pussy (which he shouldn’t do) or whatever outrage they have on the day real or just made up. Zero reflection on their side, none, nada, not even the slightest. They use every obscenity and insult non stop while at the same time hanging over every word he says and hold him to a set of rules that only applies to him and certainly not themselves.


That is horseshit. I have been vocal from day one in my opposition to elements of his immigration and trade policies. I do like his reg reform legislation and Supreme Court picks. On foreign policy, I like some aspects, and not other aspects (e.g., Saudi). Still prefer him to any Democrat though. But in way more nuanced way than most special interest groups provide 100 percent love it or leave it support for the Dems.

Whatever happened to the party of Truman, Scoop Jackson or even the bipartisan Mike Mansfield? It has become the party of Cory Booker, Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris. :joy::joy:


There was a lively debate along these lines back in January, based on a newspaper report on Taiwanese students dressing up as Arabs and carrying toy rifles. Seeing the recent thread on the subject of Islam, I decided I wasn’t up for a second act. Maybe some others felt the same way. I don’t think everyone here is of one mind about Islam. Here’s a sampling of the “anti-anti-Islam” side in the January discussion:


Yeah, quite a bit after Trump was elected. I’m assuming you mean CNN and MSNBC “despise” Trump and not the far-left protesters taking responsibility.

And that’s why I don’t bother talking to people.

I wasn’t suggesting everyone who voted for or supported him supports everything he does, but that those who were initially positive they had made a good choice in voting for him would continue to believe that. I’m sure Cubs fans had strong disagreements with how the team was being managed, even in winning seasons.

“Don’t blame us if we ever doubt you. You know we couldn’t live without you.”
-Dropkick Murphys

It’s about Boston, but it’s the same sentiment.

And this is the last time I will post in any political thread. I think everybody’s wrong but me, like everyone else. If I ever have any doubts or want more information, I’d go to someone wiser, more experienced, or more knowledgeable about the issue. I’m going back to the picture quiz.