I went to McDonald's and I'm a bit traumatized

someone just finished watching the founder…
you don’t go to mcdonald’s for their exquisite food. you go there because it’s location-wise convenient and affordable.

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I don’t know. That movie made me really crave a Big Mac for the first time since I was a kid. :drooling_face:


I used to try to recreate a Big Mac in my kitchen, years ago. I was never interested enough to perfect it (Big Mac is cheap after all), and while Kraft Sandwich Spread (similar topping) did not turn out to be the secret ingredient, it did make a pretty good burger imo. (then again, I actually love McD burgers)

I feel the same way. Feel great eating it and immediately sick after. I think it seriously disagrees with my physiology. I eat it and then I want to sleep. But yeah it’s like crack as I crave it again.

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10 posts were split to a new topic: Why Can’t We Say the F and C words here?

Just called in for some lunch on my way home, only to find the have ditched the straws and gone for coffee cup style lids for the drinks


Hot drinks have same lids btw.

I hate the new mcdonald drinks honestly. I guess it’s a pretty recent policy change because as recently as a month ago McDonalds didn’t do that.

It’s better for the environment though. Small sacrifice in the long run. I’m just glad the 7/11 clerk no longer passes me a straw every time I buy a Heineken.

You drink Heineken? :astonished:

Not willingly. Only in a pinch. But it’s marginally better than Taiwan Beer ™ :face_vomiting:

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Not true. It’s great with seafood in taiwan. Don’t you know the gold is a award winning beer lol

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Heineken also claims to have won awards.

And Budweiser is the “king of beer”, which has to be the most laughable claim of all.


OK, now we’re just splitting hairs. :sunglasses:


I actually hate Budweiser. It’s really awful imo.

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It’s OK when you’re really thirsty. It’s basically water in a can.


My uncle is a baker, he opened a donut shop across from the planet fitness. I worked there in the summer and many people came over in the morning after the gym :sweat_smile:

Live from HK…McDs Big Mac is bigger here…the patties are same size only the bun is bigger. And they add extra lettuce.