Let's talk about Trump

Trump made comments that are the textbook definition of racism. Literally, he said the man can’t do his job because he’s a Mexican. Not because he’s donated money to the Democratic party. Not because he’s an Obama appointee. He spelled it out for you, it’s because he’s Mexican. Most people from liberals to conservatives to the tea party have condemned his comments as blatantly racist and unacceptable.

Please feel free to respond as you want. I’m quite curious whether you’ll choose to finally condemn Trumps disgusting comments, or attack me for calling Trump a racist, which he obviously is :popcorn:

We will agree to disagree Brent.

If a black guy was on trial and knew the judge was a member of the KKK, would you think it unfair if he worried about getting a fair trial? Of course not.

I’m not equating this judge to being a member of the KKK, but the idea we have robot judges is nonsense. To suggest the only reason Trump might think this judge is unfair is also nonsense. lets list the number of reasons.

  1. All his lawyers are telling him this judge is making terrible decisions and norally this case would be thrown out on summary judgement.
  2. The firm bring this lawsuit are major Hillary backers.
  3. The judge is financially backing the Democrats.
  4. Yes, the judge has Mexican heritage and the fact he’s proposed to build a wall and used incendiary statements about illegal Mexican immigrants has angered many Mexicans
    5 The judge has sponsored illegal immigrants.
  5. He is affiliated with a lawyers group called La Raza which also has links to La Raza organization which is known to be a supremacist group.

Now I take all these facts and think Trump has a point if he questions if he can get a fair trail, I dont see that as racist. You are welcome to draw your own conclusions including if you like Trump is a racist, although my opinion you are following the parrot talk of the left wing race baiting media and not using your grey matter to make an informed decision for yourself.

I guess you see Trump eating a taco on Cinco De Mayo and think RACIST. You conveniently overlook Hillary had a fucking Mariachi band on the same day. I see two candidates both ineptly trying to get ethnic votes. Race baiters see trump point at a black gentlemen and call him “my African American” and should RACIST. Doesn’t matter the guy was chuffed and they don’t look at Hillary being part of a skit joking about coloured people time. Hypocrites.

Capital letters with bold wouldn’t even do it justice. That is NOT AT ALL what is happening here. He’s a Democrat from Indiana. Knock it off already. KKK? great analogy :thumbsup:

So you’re telling me the guy that has been named in over 150 federal lawsuits doesn’t think he got a fair shake? You don’t say.

Gave more than Trump? Not sure… So Trump can give money, but if another human being does, he’s impartial?

Did he give more than the roughly 45-50 Democrats that Trump has financially backed in the past? Not sure, and so f’ing what anyway? Are you implying that a judge can’t be a Democrat either? Can’t donate to a political party?

Interesting. Maybe we should ask a judge if it’s legal to donate to a political party. Of course, don’t ask a Mexican judge. Ask a real judge capable of actually doing his job. :slight_smile:

First off, Trumps comments are not all directed at illegals as you conveniently try to imply. He’s talking about American citizens Mick. Again, reminder, the judge is from Indiana. The mass murdering fucking psychopath club shooter was American.

Secondly, Trump has been in court his entire life and will continue to be. The US is comprised of about 17% latino’s. How is it even possible that this douchbag be tried without the judge very often being Mexican? Trump is such a massive business failure, he gets sued so many times, it’s just not statistically possible to avoid latino judges from time to time.

That’s an interesting one. My guess is you’re using the word sponsored in your own entirely incorrect way, but who knows. Maybe he did “sponsor” illegals. Do you have a FOX news clip of somebody saying that too?

I’ve watched both clips where he made the comments about the judge and immediately thought, wow what a racist. No need for race baiting, no need to get a second opinion. Textbook, jaw dropping, oh my God did he just say that kind of racism.

Of course I don’t need other people to help me reach that conclusion, but if I did, nearly everybody agrees. Pretty much across the board he was panned for racist comments by everybody from all walks of life. Both parties, all races, all countries, did Trump just say that? That’s what most people thought. Beats me why you didn’t.

Read that yourself and tell me honestly, isn’t that one of the dumbest things you’ve ever read in your life? That doesn’t embarrass you? Eating a taco? Huh? Who said that? What? This is what you want to represent?

Pathetic, now you are implying I’m racist. I have to mod this forum and can’t reply as I would like to, I don’t want to get into a flame war which I would have to self moderate either.


I just love this graphic. I’m going to print it out and hang it on the wall next to my computer.

Anyone who disagrees with me about anything is a racist.

Calling Trump racist doesn’t make sense to me. If racism is the belief that some races are morally and intellectually inferior then what race is Trump disparaging, given that the vast majority of Hispanic-Americans are white?

Disparaging ethnic groups such as Hispanics, Poles, Jews, blonds etc. would be more accurately termed bigotry.

If Trump is bigoted towards Hispanics then a quote of him disparaging the morality and intellect of Hispanics would suffice to prove that. I don’t know much about Trump though because, given that he’s a clown and will lose the upcoming election, he isn’t worth the investment in time. What is worth the investment though is thinking thru our political/ethical vocabulary more clearly, particularly in an age in which the world is sinking into a morass of mindless, violent factionalism which thrives on sophistries and half truths.

This case disturbed me a lot. It’s not that it’s racist. To start, it shows a callous disregard for the core principles America is supposed to be based on, specifically the melting pot. One American is supposed to be the same as any other, regardless of their nationality. Trump is directly contradicting that idea here. Why? Is there some overriding principle at stake? No! It’s for his shitty personal court case. His personal affairs are more important that this country to him. His entire life screams that, and it’s just blatantly obvious at this point. So what principle will be next when it’s inconvenient for him. He’s not fit for the presidency of this country in my book. He doesn’t want a judge of Mexican ancestry–no kidding. Guess what, that’s how the chips fall sometimes-suck it up–be presidential. If you have some proof of something untoward, out with it. Just pin a “Mexican” label on the guy and try to shift him aside? That’s baloney. Call that politically correct if you want, but I’ll rest on the “correct” in this case. What’s more important to him at this point. I don’t trust his principles. He could well be a racist for all I know, how can you trust him on anything? I’ve gone from being relatively accepting of him to implacably opposed not least because of this matter.

There you go, a rational and well reasoned argument for not supporting trump. Nothing you have said I could find fault with, however, the alternative is Clinton, she has a pretty long list of reasons not to trust or want her as president too.

Winston, I like your analogy, you have compared Hillary to the presumptive corrupt queen, in a pack of cards the high card she would be the ace of spades, but in the wise words of Lemey Kilmister, don't forget the joker.


Read that yourself and tell me honestly, isn’t that one of the dumbest things you’ve ever read in your life? That doesn’t embarrass you? Eating a taco? Huh? Who said that? What? This is what you want to represent?[/quote]

Ah finally, it seems we agree it’s completely retarded to start calling Trump racist for eating a taco, i was starting to worry about you Brent.

never the less, it was a major point of debate with just about every news organisation.

Bush on Trump’s taco tweet – ‘It’s like eating a watermelon and saying: I love African-Americans’

The Hill
Jeb Bush: Trump’s taco bowl tweet insensitive and insulting

10 notable Twitter reactions to Donald Trump’s Cinco de Mayo taco bowl

Seems we are having that media conversation sooner rather than later. What do you say?

No you weren’t worried about me. You were trying to back out of your ridiculous statements in the most absurd way you could. I’ve not ever called somebody racist who wasn’t. It also upsets me when people use the race card instead of debating the facts, as you very well know. All the black lives matter and police brutality debate. I’m the one that calls people out for playing the race card instead of acknowledging the facts about the crime coming out of the young black male community. The Islamic terrorist thing. I’m the one that calls people out for using the race card and islamophobia accusations instead of acknowledging the facts about the dangers of the religion and those who follow it too literally.

Don’t be absurd with your taco’s Mick. Nobody is “playing the race card” with Trump. He’s racist, there’s no need to play the card. All we need to do is listen to him actually speak. Watch the actual tapes. No race card needed for this one Mick.

And if it’s not bad enough that you’re still defending Trumps comments. You’re also defending Trumps comments about the ban on Muslims. Not the individuals who have reasons and ties that warrant a refusal to enter the country. We’re talking about the religion, Muslims. I’ll repeat that for you Mick. We have a Presidential nominee who is calling for a ban on a religion in the United States, and you’re defending him. Are you aware of what it says in the constitution about things like that? You know, Americans tend to take the constitution rather seriously. You may not find there’s much support for a ban on a religion group in the US.

And the most comically absurd part about it, and something that seemingly neither you nor Mr. Drumpf realizes, it was a domestic terrorist attack by an American citizen. This sounds dangerously close to the old Republican bait and switch Iraq thing. So individual terrorists, mostly from Saudi Arabia attack the US, so that means attack Iraq?

So you and Trump think that because an American citizen carried out a terrorist attack, we should ban Muslims from other countries from coming to America? This makes sense to you?

I’m quite confident the day will come when you’re embarrassed of the man you chose to diligently defend.

I think one thing we can all agree on though. It’s really hard to defend Donald Trump and not sound a little irrational.

CNN went full retard on Donald Trump about the same time he secured the nomination, there’s a reason its called the Clinton News Network. At some point they even ran a story asking “Would Donald Trump have killed the gorilla”, I’m afraid when it comes to discussing Trump or Clinton they are an absolute disgrace, but I see it often enough since its the main English speaking news channel here.

You don’t think anyone is playing the race card with Trump? I’m with Tempo on this, he may well be racist I don’t know. I wasn’t the one that called him racist for eating a taco that was CNN and a bunch of other channels, and somehow I the ridiculous one for mentioning it.

Im not, I posted this on the previous page. [quote=“Mick”]banning Muslims entering the US is completely wrong[/quote] Again misrepresenting the truth Brent, why? If the truth was on your side surely you wouldn’t need to fabricate and mislead what someone has said in order to “win” an argument.

Pretty sure I was clear on the point above, I’ll repeat it again for you.

[quote=“Mick”]banning Muslims entering the US is completely wrong[/quote] Heres the link to the post if you need it. Let's talk about Trump - #613 by Mick

What makes you think I didn’t … oh forget it, you go ahead and post whatever you like. By the way, if you were watching closely, you might have noticed that Trump is hinting at a shift away from his complete and total ban on all Muslims.

Why don’t you just read what I post and you would already have your answer, I posted it twice here for you already, I am hoping you got my point now and a third time is not necessary.

Joe Stalin may well dislike capitalists I don’t know.
Adolf Hitler may well dislike Jews I don’t know.
Omar Mateen may well dislike gay people I don’t know.

There may well be a reason for this I don’t know.

He might just be a prick.

Objecting to the demonization of Trump isn’t the same thing as condoning his bigotry. It’s more of a point of order in an increasingly shrill political landscape. A better analogy would be like what I do with my octogenarian Arizona rancher friend when he starts ranting about Obama being a Muslim. I say “well, he might be. I don’t know” when I know damned well he isn’t merely as a way of avoiding being labeled a traitor and thrown off his ranch. Why would I even consort with such people, you might ask? Is it a birds of a feather thing? I know he’s racist from things he’s said but his wife is Mexican-American and he gave me a job and a bunk for the first year after I got out of the military so I know he’s got a good side – just so long as we avoid talking politics.

I think this is a better analogy: trying to fight off a typhoon with a hand towel

I don’t know. You might be right.

It’s not playing the race card if the person is being racist. Trump had plenty of time to walk back his comments. He doubled and tripled down.

[quote]Insisting on eight separate occasions that because he’s “building a wall” along the US-Mexico border that he is being treated unfairly, Trump unleashed a tirade against US District Judge Gonzalo Curiel.

“Now, this judge is of Mexican heritage,” Trump said. “I’m building a wall, OK? I’m building a wall. I am going to do very well with the Hispanics, the Mexicans.”

Tapper pressed Trump a number of times as to whether the attack was racist because he insists on calling Curiel’s heritage as a reason why he cannot preside fairly over the case.

“If you are saying he cannot do his job because of his race, is that not the definition of racism?” Tapper asked.

Trump said that it was not.

“So no Mexican judge could ever be involved in a case that involves you?” Tapper pressed.

“Jake, I’m building a wall,” Trump said. “I’m building a wall. I’m trying to keep business out of Mexico. Mexico’s fine. … He’s of Mexican heritage, and he’s very proud of it, as I am of where I come from.”

But Tapper was quick to point out that Curiel is from Indiana and is American. When Tapper mentioned how Hillary Clinton called the attack racist and how House Speaker Paul Ryan said that he disagreed with Trump’s sentiment, Trump called Clinton a “stiff” and said that Ryan “doesn’t know the case.”

“Look, he’s proud of his heritage,” Trump said. “I’m building a wall. Now, I think I’m going to do very well.”

“I’m going to do very well with Hispanics because I’m going to bring back jobs and they’re going to get jobs right now,” he continued. "I think I’m going to do very well with Hispanics, but we’re building a wall. He’s a Mexican. We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.

“Well, I’m building a wall, OK?” Trump went on. “And it’s a wall between Mexico, not another country.”

Trump ramped up his attacks on Curiel during a recent interview with the The Wall Street Journal.

The Manhattan businessman said that Curiel had “an absolute conflict” in presiding over the civil cases against Trump University because Curiel was “of Mexican heritage,” as Trump put it, and belonged to a Latino lawyers association.

He added that Curiel’s ethnic background was relevant because of his campaign promises to build a wall along the US-Mexico border and deport immigrants living in the country illegally.

“I’m building a wall,” Trump told The Journal. “It’s an inherent conflict of interest.”[/quote]

As Tapper said, that’s pretty much the textbook definition of racism. Perhaps there’s people who don’t know what the word racism means, or what a textbook is, but you’d be hard pressed to engineer a more blatantly racist comment.

Trumps been in over 160 federal law suits. This means two things:

  1. Since hispanics are 17% of the US population, perhaps Trump has to get used to hispanics occasionally presiding over his cases? Can we add grade 8 math classes to the list of things that Trump failed at?

  2. Given the fact that the man has been accused of fraud more times than every sitting politician combined, maybe we should demand that Trump release his tax filings? Forget the fact that it’s been done for 40 years by potential Presidents. In Trumps case, we REALLY need to see these. The man is a walking fraud. We’re not going to demand to see his tax records? Really America?

By the way Mick:

[quote=“Mick”]He called for a temporary ban on Muslims until “we can figure out what the hell is going on”. Obmama/Hillary on the other hand, “nothing is going on, look over there a squirrel and transgender toilets”.

Yeah, Im pretty sure Trump is right, something is going on, what could it be? [/quote]

Trump is right? About what part exactly?

Calling for a ban is a conversation?

But… Trump can decide what religion an American can choose? :doh:

When you choose to say things like that in response to Trumps ban on Muslim comments, I think even you would have to admit that it could be construed as defending the position, or at the very least condoning it.

Disagreeing sounds like this:

Notice the difference? One sounds like a defense, the other sounds like opposition. Only several comments later did you bury in the very bottom of one of your last statements that it was wrong. I’m glad you’ve come around, and I recognize that you don’t support Trumps stance on a ban on Muslims. :thumbsup:

As Tapper said, that’s pretty much the textbook definition of racism. Perhaps there’s people who don’t know what the word racism means, or what a textbook is, but you’d be hard pressed to engineer a more blatantly racist comment.[/quote]

It’s not the textbook definition of racism and it’s very easy to find a more blatantly racist comment look no further than Trumps ex butler of 17 years who spoke glowingly of an article that compared Barack and Michele Obama to apes. Im not going to go round in circles with you Brent, we clearly disagree, but if you were looking for evidence that Trump is a racist, I actually find the fact Trump allowed himself to be so close to an open racist for so long to be more convincing than wondering if the judge is going to give him a fair trial.

By the way comparing a black person to an ape is a textbook definition of being racist. Maybe you should look the word up.

I said it in plain English. it seems you need to read it again. [quote=“Mick”]banning Muslims entering the US is completely wrong[/quote]

What part of that is unambiguous? I didn’t just say banning Muslims is wrong, I used emphasis to say completely wrong. This may come as a shock to you but you’re not actually having a conversation with Donald Trump himself, my opinions are going to differ from the opinions of Donald Trump.

Do you understand my position on a blanket ban on all Muslims now, or do I need to spell it out even more clearly for you? If you had read what I wrote 2 pages ago, you wouldnt need me to keep spelling it out and you wouldn’t have made an entire post where it needed to be posted so you could re-read what you should have already read the first time.

“It’s the textbook definition of racism.” Where did that quote come from?

Paul Ryan, but why do I get the feeling you know that already. I wonder who would be called Republican establishment and wonder if they might not be the same ones that would rather see Hillary win than Donald Trump.