This Week’s WTF Story Award Goes to... (2020 edition)

It’s Disney. In California.

Lots of people are going to want whatever money you have in your pocket.

Yeah, you’re a school and we’re not in Kansas anymore. That’s about as newsworthy as me stepping in gum on the sidewalk.


All six people charged are Mississippi residents, including the former W.W.E. wrestler Brett DiBiase, 31, who state auditors said was paid with welfare funds for teaching classes about drug use. Mr. DiBiase never gave those classes, auditors said, because he was being treated for an opioid addiction at the Rise in Malibu rehab center in California.

So, here we go again with another situation of sexual assault in the gang rape capital of the world.

People reportedly stood by and didn’t render assistance or try to stop the abuse?

Reminds me of this thread.


Escamilla’s murder was a particularly horrific display of brutality in a country accustomed to regular violence.
Police found the young woman’s body skinned and without organs.

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Afghanistan. What an awful place to live for women.


Sandy Nurse doesn’t see why she needs to be $120,000 in debt "just for trying to improve my understanding of the world

Should have thought of the cost…oh, idk…maybe BEFORE you took out the loans!

Wonder what would happen if I bought a Tesla on credit and refused to pay for it cuz, you know, I don’t think I should have to spend money to help save the environment…they should enable me by giving me the car for free!


One can improve their understanding of the world thru a library card. And gasp that’s free!


I paid my student loans and also paid for my children’s university. I don’t think cancelling student debt is fair to the ones who do the right thing.


Give her a break. When she took the loan, she didn’t understand the world yet. That why!


I’m split on this. In some cases, yes I think folks should pay off but there are cases where students weren’t given the education promised and should see some refund, even if it is partial.

Involves the mob, Russians and prostitutes. :anguished:

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Honestly, I’m not really big on going into serious debt for higher education. I think the university experience is a great continuation of high school and gives people more time to grow up. Even though I’ve got a masters degree, I still value life experiences more. I do think that if you have a plan to use that education for something, then get the loan and finish faster. I can’t think of a situation at a university where I didn’t get the education promised. I knew what courses I’d be taking and I took them. I didn’t get any guarantees beyond education but I believe that I got what I paid for.


I’m thinking of the for-profit schools.

In an accredited schools, you pretty much know what you sign up for, iirc. Harvard and the like. But these other schools that preyed upon students that were low income and not financially astute are the ones that perhaps students should get some relief from.

I agree with you on that. They push their loans.

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He should get a tattoo instead! :smile: