UK to offer exchange of Taiwan driving licences

From later in May, it seems the UK government will let holders of Taiwanese (and some other countries) driving licences exchange them for GB licences (only for cars).

Maybe this will be good news for any British who are resident here, as I guess Taiwan will offer a reciprocal exchange arrangement for GB licence holders.

One bit of comedy gold from the full consultation document…

"As driving tests in these countries/territories meet GB standards, requiring drivers to undergo a driving test here to get a GB licence represents an unnecessary burden. " :man_shrugging:


Yeah, I mean in GB they even allow you to drive on the left side of the road - compared to that, traffic is quite harmless here in Taiwan :man_shrugging:


Are they insane?


From my experiences on a trip to the UK in 2015, YES, they are insane drivers there. I do note that this is for cars only and there is no chance that a Blue Truck driver in Taiwan will be able to drive a White Van in the UK, though it could be said that the former might be overqualified to drive the latter.

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Mel Gibson’s on the forum.

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23 posts were merged into an existing topic: Is traffic the worst part of Taiwan’s lingering third worldism?

I am very critical of Uk in many things of its lifestyle (I lived 14 years), but in terms of traffic, Uk is safer than Taiwan


This is amazing for me!

Same here! Can’t wait to exchange my licence!

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It’s not a massive challenge.

I wonder why the UK doesn’t do it with the US if the UK driving board thinks Taiwan’s test meets the standard they have. It’s really strange. You actually test on the road in the US and not an unrealistic obstacle course.

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US is 12.4

New Zealand’s is the same as Taiwan.

Of course this happens shortly after I bothered to get a Taiwan license…

Maybe the UK saw that Taiwan had introduced a “road” test and thought that was up to standard. Never mind that it’s driving for 5 minutes in a small loop near the test centre.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Is traffic the worst part of Taiwan’s lingering third worldism?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Is traffic the worst part of Taiwan’s lingering third worldism?

This is actually quite dangerous for Taiwanese drivers. Cut up a driver and then drive slowly in the UK won’t end up well.

Speed up to block someone who’s indicating to change lanes. Ooh mama


I would say I’m a high skill driver. But even I’m a bit nervous about driving on the other side.

Yeh, but it means I’ll be afraid to go home, so not an unalloyed benefit,

First Brexit, now this.

I suppose its better than driving on an expired International License though, not that I would do that, of course

If you trade your UK license in for the local blood chit, will you be definately able to swap it back again?

Or do you get to hold both, which would be reassuring

Wouldn’t like to get caught in some Chiwanese Catch 22 Limbo…

One hopes one knows that they drive on the wrong side of the road in the UK ??

I’ve asked for the application forum to be sent to me. I need to get this license.

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