What movies are you watching (2023)

Passenger Side


Good indie flick, a day in a life.

The guy from Severance.

Stray Dogs


Rated R.

Some movies on the plane:

65: Reminded me of a Will Smith movie where he crash landed with his kid. Didnā€™t really enjoy it, and I love scifi

Dungeons and Dragons: I like sword and sorcery movies, and used to play the game. This was surprisingly enjoyable

John Wick 4: These are getting a little boring

Operation Fortune: Imagine if Guy Ritchie made a spoof of Guy Ritchie movies, and the only female lead they could afford was Aubrey Plaza

Knock at the Cabin: M Night Shyamalan basically remade Cabin in the Woods but took out everything that made it fun

Man has an uncanny ability to switch between making absolute horseshit (ala, the one that officially ended my childhood, the Avatar TLA movie) and some really good psych thrillers.


The Big Short.

First time. Dayum. Money does weird things to some people.

as someone who lives at the foot of monkey mountainā€¦

INCANTATION was a mind f*ck

itā€™s not a perfect film. at times it felt like they asked chatGPT to find the most common phobias and put them in a found footage film,

but afterward i saw differently. i played into the mental games of the film and found it really compelling. i went back and watched the trailer afterward and felt as though iā€™d unlocked latent mental powers. well done by the crew, couldnā€™t be more proud of a Taiwanese movie


Iā€™m still wondering about the exact location and if there is a book.


yep. never been so bored by a movie with so much action.

I just find action movies in general boring nowadays*. Watching masterfully choreographed gun fights and explosions for two hours just isnā€™t as engaging for me now as it was when I was a kid. I need a meaty plot and snappy dialogue, and these films just seem like showcases for how extreme their action is.

(*- I reflected on this statement further. And I decided I could definitely still watch Terminator 2, The Matrix, Old Boy, etc. which are all action films as well. Iā€™m not sure why newer action movies like John Wick series and Extraction series are differentā€¦ probably because the former used action as breaks between the main storyā€¦. and the latter is just nonstop action like some cracked out first person shooter videogame).

I still like a good olā€™ stupid action flick. But JW4 was still boring with that as a baseline. I even liked JW1 and 2. 3 was ok. I think the action scenes are too long - thereā€™s a lack of tension, and Iā€™m just ready to move on.

finally got around to watching 28 Days Later. I think people probably know this one pretty well? at any rate hearing GY!BEā€™s music within the first like 20 mins had me sold, but that ending track during the final action scene was just stellar. Same notes and chords repeating, but layered with added instruments and distortion and dynamics. Brutal action scene to post-rock sountrack music and just straight up brilliant direction. And then itā€™s got those cozier scenes. The supermarket scene for example, and that just is a really pleasant, well done characterization scene. All this to say: Sign me the fuck up, great film.


also watched There Will Be Blood. I enjoyed it at moments, and obviously we all love a good milkshake, butā€¦ it didnā€™t need to be that long. Yes, I got the dynamic of the Great Awakening vs industrialization and the new spirit of the country. I think the theme plays out well. But lord does it take a long time to get there, even if the scenes are wonderfully shot in the process. Iā€™m more than happy to analyze the themes and whatnot but please for the love of god, give it a bit more movement.

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Maybe you just donā€™t like serious movies.

incorrect opinon

and plenty of serious movies manage to have actually interesting character development isntead of just rehashing the Citizen Kane ā€˜rich tycoon slowly goes insane aloneā€™ and meaningful plot drive without taking 2-3 hours to prove theyā€™re a piece of art by constantly bashing you over the head with it

itā€™s just not subtle, and I mostly like Paulā€™s other work lol

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Needs pruning but the good parts were like an out of body experience:

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The Trial

Orson Wells, from 1962, based on novel by Franz Kafka


Really really good especially if you are a cinefile or movie buff. Iā€™m sure extremely remarkable in itā€™s time and even remarkable today.

I can still hear Orson Wellā€™s voice.

Filmed in Paris and Croatia and opening credits are in French even in the English version.

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Jeanne Du Barry

Johnny Depp


French, beautiful visually, fantastical, insight into history and royal life.

Iā€™m going to check this one out (Jeanne du Barry)because.word of mouth has been very positive. Critics have savaged it though. Will be interesting to see whoā€™s telling it right.

Going to Taiwan premiere of Sound of Freedom tomorrow. Will be interesting to see firsthand what all the controversy is about.

Looks like complete garbage. As expected from court certified domestic abuser Johnny Depp.