Woke is Crazy - What even is Woke?

Who says woke = hating straight white men?

Only haters here dislike the food and the air isn’t a problem. Traffic isn’t really a big problem if you don’t ride a motorbike either.

The most common source of complaint I read here is xenophobia. If Taiwan was more woke this problem would go away.


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Did someone say tundra? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
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What is this supposed to argue?

And even if air pollution and traffic were problems, wokism would improve it too. Woke people also support environmentalism. Celebrities who fly private jets get called out/cancelled.

Do they stop flying in private jets though?

Some do.

Wow, one. I’ve seen many celebrities shamed for this. Guess they think woke cancelling is stoopid.

If you are interested, google it yourself.


just for the record. just a few steps down the rabbit hole^^ do you feel the madness?
that’s what I mean. don’t have to do much. it reveals itself. But to be fair, it’s amusing at times.

So what you don’t help a brother out unless it’s screaming at him?

I don’t connect social justice ideology and the environment, seems like a far right trope :man_shrugging:

I compost. I mean I don’t support environmental activism or anything like that. I just compost all our food waste and then use the new soil in my garden where I grow my own veggies and flowers.

Still white, straight and sigh— male. :orangutan:

I’m Catholic and don’t mind in the slightest if someone questions my beliefs.



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That is nothing to be proud of, really

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Shush, I’m reading about horseshoe theory.

It seems apropos.

Nope–they’ve drank the Koolaid. I am all for low carbon imprints and lesser consumption, but to believe any solutions are on the cards to replace fossil fuels? Just from an unideological logistics perspective, do you know what mining outputs would be needed? For the minerals for all those panels or other alt-energy outputs.

Rich Davos Dreamers and their cling-on gullible idiots X10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Like those attending many Canadian campuses.

I like this one


Which is totally correct from the eye of the woke! However, when others see a hyper-alertness, hyper-concern, and various mindsets and actions that follow on from those, it’s natural that it becomes a term of approbation for them. Consider the current political climate.