Should foreigners in Taiwan care about Taiwan if Taiwan doesn't care about foreign residents?

Sichuan noodles :slight_smile:

Ahh. The motherland is strong with you. Any special recipe that you can share ?

This is a cuisine i am not that good at. i can only manage a decent hot pot from that region.

My trick tonight. Lots of chili and alcohol, cant go wrong.

I will say, using a floral chili is the truck. None of those “just hot” type chilis. Habanero are great.

I sat at my computer for 10 minutes trying to think how to sum up my views on Taiwan. Honestly I am at a loss to summarize here. I guess my key feeling is that Taiwan’s love/hate relationship with foreigners is not ever going to change. For the last 20 years the government has talked about opening up to foreigners and obtaining that ever elusive English proficiency. Not going to happen. The opening up Taiwan society to more foreigners has become PR talk which sounds good. I believe many locals with kids support this direction up to a point. But if you are hoping for more in-depth actions for the many items mentioned in this discussion
I just do not see the impetus to support any foreigners except the “high-earners” the government will need to attract to strengthen some industries. I lived in Singapore before
talk about night and day when compared to Taiwan. But there the government could just challenge the locals to keep pace with the foreigners working there. Pissed off the locals but they realized that most of what the government said was true. If you want to be “world-class” you can’t be scared of foreigners bringing their talents to your country
even if pushes you out of your comfort zone.


I make a mean gong bao ji ding.

Does TW want to be “world class” though, whatever that means? My impression is that many Taiwanese think TW is good enough. And it’s their country, so if they think that, then who’s to argue that they’re not right?

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Taiwan is and will remain forever ć·źäžć€š!

And that’s truly sad because it really doesn’t have to be this way.

Taiwan has so much potential and just enjoys shooting itself in the foot.


Well that’s still better than many countries.

But, I live here and I don’t give a flying rat’s ass about other countries.


Everything’s subjective.

A lot of people in places widely hailed as being “world class” will tell you they’re not. My favorite example: SF. It’s a total shithole.


27 posts were split to a new topic: From foreigners

I think simple logic dictates that if a person lives somewhere, they want that somewhere to be better. Based on that principle i dont understand why people would vote otherwise unless they are vengeful, or petty.

The worse i am treated, the harder i want to fight to make things better. If we dont care and let taiwan spin downwards as per the opinion of being treated bad, we are in fact shooting ourselves in foot.

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Well, 50/50 is actually already quite worrying. But even more so is that not so long ago the results of this poll would probably have been a little different

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Problem is that your “better” might not be the average Taiwanese person’s “better”. Or that the things you are most frustrated and disappointed by are big problems for locals.

Sounds Stockholm Syndrome-ish. Life is short and again, Taiwanese might not agree that your version of “better” is actually better for them.

There are many things I love about TW and many I find absurd or even frustrating. But I think it’s presumptuous to say that if you don’t feel treated well, it’s objective fact that TW is “spinning downwards”.

Some humility is always good.

I think the part to which @OliviaLinToo referred to as buried is the part in which it is alleged that the employer declined to provide fully protective clothing and failed to provide appropriate treatment chemicals.

It appears that that allegation was reported by Taiwan News after it surfaced on social media; this looks like the pertinent part of the Taiwan News article:

Keoni Everington, “Netizens blame poor safety for death of Filipina from acid spill at Taiwan plant,” Taiwan News, August 30, 2019

I’m not saying that allegations of the lack of fully protective clothing and the lack of adequate treatment chemicals were buried by the media. I’m just saying that I don’t see these allegations in the original Taiwan News article cited by @OliviaLinToo (the Focus Taiwan article is apparently no longer available without a subscription, so I don’t know whether it reported on allegations of the lack of fully protective clothing and of the lack of adequate treatment chemicals).*

In other words, I don’t think @OliviaLinToo made the glaring mistake of which you appear to be accusing her.

*Edited to add: In the absence of the Focus Taiwan article, I’m posting a link to the original Chinese-language CNA article:

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I’m glad you mentioned this, probably several times now.

> “The greatness of a nation can be judged by how it treats its weakest member”

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Ah, a new addition to my collection.

December 2001:

How do you long timers deal with living here?

January 2005

USA National ID Card

July 2005:

Is Racism Here the Same as Racism at Home?

September 2007:

Ok Taiwan sucks
 so what are we gonna do about it?

January 2010:

Vindictive students - normal part of system?

December 2010:***hole/62261/7

March 2012:

Will I ever manage to leave Taiwan?

July 2013:

Taiwan CAN’T be that corrupt, gov complains

August 2013:

Taiwan’s Rail website is god awful

May 2017:

Why I love Taiwan

And in closing, a signature on the old phpbb board:


Good one Charlie. :rofl:


Maybe so many people have made comments in this vein over the years because it’s just common sense?

Life is short. What’s the point of continuing to go to a restaurant if you think every meal you’re served is shit?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

You said you’ve been in TW for decades. If by your standards TW falls short of being a “developed” country and that’s what you’re looking for, why stay?

What sort of meaningful support is the average expat in TW providing that he can pull at any time while remaining in country?

If you live in TW and pay taxes, go shopping, rent or buy a home, you’re directly supporting TW. You can complain all you want but unless you have a huge amount of guanxi, what incentive do TPTB have to listen to your complaints?

Leaving if you’re unhappy is the strongest signal of disapproval that you can send to the TW government.

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I’ve had to forbid myself from responding directly to the content of the post quoted above, because I don’t want to be seen as complaining about your complaining about the complainers about Taiwan. That might trigger a Complaining Singularity, or something. So I’ve fictionally removed your earlier statement from my fictional collection, with apologies. Please carry on.

As for me personally, I’ve had my ups and downs, but so far I think I’m more or less okay here. In any case, I don’t think I’ve ever reached a point where I felt my situation resembled life in the PRC: