Things that did not age well - the thread

Taiwan has conducted 0.25 tests per citizen. The UK (for example) has conducted 4 per citizen. Case numbers in Taiwan are almost certainly unrealistically low. What I failed to predict was that Taiwan would maintain their don’t-ask-don’t-tell attitude; I was expecting full-on mass testing as was done elsewhere.

Everyone seems to be assuming that covid is now “beaten” in Taiwan. This is highly unlikely. It’s not over yet, but I stand by my hunch that deaths will remain very low. Deaths will probably increase as they get to 80% vaccination, but with luck they won’t get obsessed with boosters and the more dangerous virus strains will die out.

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Now that the prosecutions case is falling apart and the truth is coming out in a court of law and not a trial by media.


That was in reference to the “Proud Boys stand back and stand by” incident?

From the Economist 10 Nov.2021 reporting a collective forecast from what they call “journalists and commentators” - let’s wait and see how this one turns out…

That’s almost certainly correct, isn’t it?

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I think they were looking for another thread: “Things that will almost certainly age perfectly well but there’s always a slight chance they won’t.”

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That would be a thread for Fun & Games, in the tradition of…

…but for serious predictions of things not aging well, I’ve just started a new thread here:

This thread.

Russell Crowe

He looks about a donut away from cardiac arrest.


His fingers look milimetres away from it being a chocolate doughnut.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Bullshit is he’s that big. That’s been altered.

Curved beer can in background. When are people going to stop making shit up and when are people I consider intelligent going to stop believing it?

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Why are people unable to spot this shit?

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With his fingers down his under crackers… that’s what he said.

You should probably reevaluate who you consider to be intelligent.

@Gain’s clearly very intelligent. I’m not sure how he missed the obvious.

Him scratching his arse is what’s being discussed? Apologies to all involved if that’s the case

Are you sure? The beer can might’ve been used. He looks really big in other pictures.

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I don’t think there’s a strict discourse here BD. I’m making poop jokes, because at 47 I still find them hilarious.

I think he really is that much of a fat c*nt to be honest. I saw pictures of him playing tennis a year ago and it was beached whale territory for sure.

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I already googled recent photos. He’s not as big as the picture you showed and it’s clear to see how it how it has been doctored.