Pelosi visiting Taiwan in August 2022

Well… unlike your pool of contacts, the Chinese invading is a topic that is almost never discussed in my pool of contacts.

Recent discussions include:

am I going to quarantine for entering Taiwan

I like Icewine, can you buy some for me in Canada?

Please buy for me Clean it Zero by Banila in Korea.

Talk to me about Canada and your family and how Italian weddings work.

Go on YouTube and look at what is trending in Taiwan today, across the board, the blue green media is talking about the Pelosi visit.As with all the political opinion shows. I haven’t been on ptt or dcard to check today, but they talk about this stuff a lot

The average person eating lunch or working at a noodle stand has other things to care about. And you are right that it is less of a conversation topic than Western media would make out, but at the same time, these Taiwan correspondents on Twitter are either being disingenuous or just lazy

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love the last point haha. Very present point of discussion with family and friends too here given our wedding next year.

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Sure, great. Exactly

I wouldn’t claim that all Taiwanese talk about war all the time though.

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We are on the exact same page on this. I don’t care about Twitter, I was comparing average Taiwanese with western media.

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Twitter is an echo chamber for the unthinking and reactionary.

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Out of curiosity how come Taiwan doesn’t have gun rights? I think this is imperative especially threat coming from China. Every person should protect themselves…look at Ukrain.

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Maybe they will, maybe they won’t. Either way, there’s nothing I can do about it.

But for me, at least at this particular moment, this latest manifestation of that idea just goes in the pile with the other occasions of it that have appeared here over the past twenty years.













An epic list. Thank you Charlie Jack for the compilation!



I watched a YouTuber(bald and bankrupt?) in Ukraine right before the invasion. The locals living near the border were like we have been hearing this bs for years. Just threats etc. we won’t be evacuating.

It is all bs until it isn’t.

The locals around me are not one bit worried for sure.


Dude? Have you seen the driving and general rage? Give this situation guns and watch out!

Teachers would be behind bullet proof glass. I very one would be driving tanks.

Grandma and grandpa would be dead before sunrise.

No one would be left to defend Taiwan. All gg.

To be fair, I posted that ‘within 6 years’ article a year ago. So they still have 5 years to make that deadline.

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Because often what happens is people use the guns on each other.

It’s not a Taiwan thing, it’s a world thing.

The guns will be distributed when there is an imminent threat.

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You’re welcome!

Need practice shooting a Gun. If u don’t know how to operate in time of peace, how do u expect one to operate in during time of war.

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You don’t need ownership rights to practise how to use a firearm. That can be done in controlled settings.

I’m trained on using a firearm in Canada. I don’t own one.

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They have conscription. That’s 3 months of learning to follow orders.

There’s gun range in Taiwan? I need to visit.

Since you’re replying to my post, I guess you’re addressing me. I didn’t say it was bs. Here’s what I said:

I added missing threads to the tag #china_invasion

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